Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Recipes listed and links...

Ok Angie...this is for you. I read your comment and finally figured out how to get my recipes listed and linked when I do my Menu Plan Monday. So if you scroll down to where I listed the menu, you can now click on it and get the recipe. ENJOY!! It was great seeing you at church tonight.


Ok, so have you ever noticed that once you give up something during Lent, you start to crave it like crazy. One of the things my husband and I gave up is ice cream. So last night I really wanted some, especially when I saw the homemade chocolate sauce I had made before Lent began. Since we had no other dessert around, except ice cream and ice cream....I decided to make some brownies.....these turned out to be quite yummy...although I still would like some ICE CREAM.

Saint of the Day

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Alli making one of her baskets...

Jason coaches Alli's basketball team, so I get to go cheer for the coach and my sister. Alli is making lots of baskets, and I happened to catch one yesterday on camera.

Crown of Thorns...

This is what I decided to put on my front door during Lent instead of a wreath...a crown of thorns, to remind us even as we enter our home what this time of reflection is all about. And it was very easy to make!!!

Saint of the Day

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Monday, February 26, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Ok, so I am finally getting with sharing the recipe idea online as well. I do a weekly grocery trip so that I cut down on throwing out rotten vegetables and fruits. I also then plan a weekly dinner menu. This has not only saved my sanity each day with knowing what to prepare, but also helped with keeping the grocery bill down as well. I stick more to my list and only what I need. (Alright, sometimes chocolate and ice cream do call my name...) I will link to site for recipes if I have them. Enjoy and hope to find lots of new recipes as well!!
Monday: Soy Sauce Chicken, Brown Rice, Cheese Broccoli
Tuesday: Belgium Beer Stew & Bread
Wednesday: Soup Dinner at Church
Thursday: Chicken Creamy Lasagna & Salad
Friday: Fish Fry at Church
Sunday: Dinner with family

My Parents New Renovations...

Labels explanation...

Ok, for those who were wondering...There is a section on the sidebar that says Labels. If you notice, all the posts are attached to a type of label at bottom. This is a way to organize posts. So if you wanted to see all the Angelica videos, all you would have to do is under labels, click on Angelica-videos and they would all pop up. Makes it easier to find things that you want to look at....hope that helped.

Helping mommy open presents...

Angelica practiced for her upcoming birthday, by helping me last night with my presents. Thanks to all!!

Thank you Father Cihak...

Thank you for Angelica's beautiful rosary, blessed by Pope Benedict. We will teach her to remember all the priests in her prayers...Glad you are back from Rome, hope to see you soon!!

Saying "NO"...

Ok all you I have been thinking lately about using the word "no" in response to Angelica's actions. She is now able to crawl around and pulling herself up on things. Some things scare me like the fireplace with bricks, cords etc. But I really don't like the idea of constantly telling her "no". I want her to understand that "NO" means to truly not do something important, such as running into the street, touching the fireplace etc. But for all her little adventures into the things unknown that I just want to train her not to play with, what words or actions should I use to condition her to learn not to do or touch certain things? Any ideas from all you mothers with years of experience?? I have also heard that if you are constantly saying no then a toddler will pick that up as his/her favorite, "NO!"

Saint of the Day


Sunday, February 25, 2007

Angelica's life (thus far) in pictures...

This is pretty neat, if you click on the pictures, where I put captions they will pop you can speed it up, slow it down or pause it...I am going to keep this up to date on the sidebar, labeled Angelica's slideshow. Enjoy!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saint of the Day


Since it is my 27th birthday today, I decided to look back on all the blessings I have to be thankful for:

  • My incredible parents who have sacrificed so much for me

  • My wonderful and loving younger three sisters
  • My entire extended family

  • My friends, near and far

  • My good health

  • My faith and upbringing in the Church

  • My education

  • My talents

  • My travels, including Mexico, Scotland and Ireland

  • My caring and handsome husband

  • My beautiful baby girl, Angelica Rose

  • My freedom

  • My life...

I am so fortunate to have all these blessing over the past twenty-seven years and I hope there are many more to come...

Baby socks...

We spent most of the day putting Angelica's missing socks back on and back on...what a fun cycle!! Maybe I am missing something...any tricks to keep baby socks on baby feet?


Today I have struggled with a migraine that will not go away and makes me queasy. I have only been taking Tylenol as I know that is safe while breastfeeding. Any other tips for remedies?

Pretty Girl...

Saint of the Day

(1200-c. 1285)

Sleeping like a baby...?

Last night between midnight and two am, I had some time to think while I was trying to get a teething baby to go to sleep. As I sat there rocking her, these tiny little fingers were pinching the skin of my neck and these big blue eyes were staring at me intently. As much as my body would have loved to be sleeping under my covers, I realized how much I will miss this when she is too big to hold and rock. I am her world right now and no matter the hour of the night, love to hold her and make her feel safe. Although, as I listen to my snoring husband down the hall I begin to think that the person who started the phrase, "sleeping like a baby" had it all wrong. Lately in our little home, it has been "sleeping like my husband." He is missing all the midnight fun!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Aunty Megs outfit...

Thanks for the socks Meme....

Outfit from Grandma

Looking ready for the basketball game in an outfit from Grandma...

Am I really blogging??

Whew...finally got around to getting one of these things started. Thanks Ellie for helping me figure out how to get my own domain name and play with some editing tools. Slowly learning how to make this my own site. Not very technical with computers, so it might take me awhile to tweek things out, don't be surprised if appearances and layouts change!! Hope we can all keep in contact better!!

Sleeping comfortably??

The best birthday gift....for real??

You are looking at the brand new addition to our home. A PIANO!! My parents and grandparents got this for me for my birthday. I am so excited. They found it through Craig's list. We just had it tuned, pitched and fixed up today. I hope to start playing, if Angelica will let me use her "new toy!"

Splash Splash

Crawling up the step

Singing with Aunt Caitlin in hospital

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday

We took Angelica to receive her first ashes today. She wasn't too sure why mommy and daddy had black stuff on their heads and weren't wiping it off. She had the hiccups through most of the mass and only wanted to get down and crawl. It was nice to be able to go to the earlier mass at the Bangor Chapel and now I am trying to figure out this blogging stuff while she is asleep...