Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Baptism Day Angel

Today is two years now since Angelica was baptized. We are trying to come up with special ways to celebrate this special day. So far we have thought of lighting their baptismal candles and saying a rosary, reading or watching videos on their Patron saint which for Angel is Saint Rose of Lima, or trying to get to mass on this day. Any suggestions or ways that you and your family celebrate your baptism day?? Angelica we pray that your faith will always be your guide and comfort and source of strength. Saint Rose of Lima, pray for her today!!

Eat Baby Eat

Ok, so all you mom's out there...I need your help!! We have been trying to introduce foods to Emma for several weeks now. First she was so bad at refusing them that I thought she wasn't ready. Lately though she has been reaching for everything, watching us eat and waking up a lot more at night. So I figured she should be ready. But, this sweet little girl is not taking well to much at all. We try the rice cereal, mashed bananas, applesauce, far nothing is working. She purses her lips together and I have to try and force the food in, only for her to make horrible faces and spit it back out. At this age Angel was already eating all kinds of foods....any tips or tricks you can recommend? I keep telling myself eventually she MUST eat but this nursing mama is getting tired of being this big girl's only source of food!! (she will be 8 months on the 20th!)

Movie Time

As unrealistic as the story may be, we did really enjoy watching the movie August Rush. The music story in it was really beautiful and I love the little boy actor in it! Here is the bishop's review.

Concerts in the Park

Last night we went to our local park for the Summer Concerts in the Park series. We are sad we missed the first one last Tuesday because the Navy Band least they will be back for the last one as well!! We always enjoy these nights...we bring dinner with us and just let the kiddies play and enjoy the breeze and music (although last night's duo was interesting). They had some fun activities for the kids and Angel had fun trying them out and also tried making friends with a little boy...although I think she was a little too friendly for his liking! It was fun to have my mom, Alli and friend Becca there last night...come check it out with us next Tuesday!! (Down at the Boardwalk in Bremerton, they also have Friday night concerts...maybe we will try that this week too! Next week's group Trombanga is good, we heard them last year!)