Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Emma!!

A year in pictures:

Hard to believe that this sweet girl is ONE today!! (at 3:24 pm to be exact!) In one year she has almost tripled her birth weight of 7 lbs 9 oz and definitely gotten longer from her original length of 19 inches. We will have updated stats next week when she goes for her one year check up. It is amazing to me how much they grow and change in one year and how much you can love an individual. There are so many things we have learned and love that make you you:
-how you love to snuggle to sleep
-how much you love nursing and call it "mum-mums"
-your little temper and strong spirit that shows when you want attention
-your sweet smiles and kisses
-how you hate wearing bibs
-how adventurous and how you have no fear and climb on everything
-how much you don't like changing your diaper or putting on clothes
-your funny words for things such as "bup" for up, "Gel-Ka" for Angelica, "Ni-Ni" for Night Night, "Mo" for More
-how much you love the water and your baths
-how you love birdies, string cheese, balls, and actually anything your big sister has
-how you love crawling up stairs
-how much you are already talking and SHRIEKING
...all the little quirks and things about your personality that make you are sweet, stubborn and special Baby Girl...well not so baby anymore!! Here are a few pics from today...Angel was a little jealous I gave Emma a balloon and said it was her birthday too!! We are going to celebrate with family on Monday so more to come!! We love you Emma Catherine and Happy Birthday! Saint Catherine of Siena, pray for her.

Prayers and Updates

First, we wanted to let everyone know that Jason has been back at the job and working a lot!!! First, we complain that we didn't have work at that the strike is over and he is back they are so far behind that he hasn't had a day off in almost two weeks and coming home very late. So...we are trying not to complain now that we are working TOO much....thank you again for all the prayers and support during that time.

Wanted to update you on my mother-in-law, Mary Hartsell. She has successfully pulled through several rounds of chemo and is doing pretty well. She is very tired and weak during the week she gets the chemo treatment and the next week has a little more energy. She is working when she can but knows when to let herself rest. A couple weeks ago her hair was starting to thin so she decided to go ahead and have it. She wears synthetic wigs when she goes out and enjoys some hats when she is inside. She takes medicine and Pepcid to fight the nausea symptoms and has done alright with those side effects. She starts her weekly chemo and Herceptin treatment starting December is a little anxious as to what side effects might change then. For those who don't know, I have been coordinating daily envelopes for her to open since she started treatment and hope to continue through her chemo. I label each envelope with the date and inside is a quote to think about that day, a picture to focus on and put in her chemo album I sent her....and then any card or gift or momento people have sent me to give to her. I made her a binder that she can keep all these support, prayers, and treasures in. She has greatly been touched by everyone's support, prayers and love especially those she doesn't even know. Thank you to all who have contributed and helped me in the endeavor. It is the only I feel we can "be with her" since we are across the country! We miss you Mom and are so proud of you!!

Just in case you didn't have a long enough prayer list....I have another special intention if you could please add. A friend of mine, Christina Campbell, has just been diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer and will start chemo in December. She is only 34 and has 5 young kids at home so everyone was pretty shocked. She is an amazing, strong, devout and courageous woman and I know we will all support her through these upcoming challenging times. She and I were organizing the Martha Ministry together at church, which is a ministry that provides people meal support for different circumstances in their life. So....for all your locals out there....if you would like to help with meals for Christina...please contact me because we are trying to stock her freezer so she doesn't' have to worry about cooking for her family right now. And please.....just keep praying for her healthy and recovery!!

Fighting the Colds

Well, these little sweeties (yes we need some better matching leggings for these Hanna tops) are fighting their second cold of the know the lovely runny nose and cough stuff. Poor Angel keeps saying "me sick" and Emma has a hard time sleeping. Just curious if anyone has any good cold remedies that you use during the winter...we have tried all the usual stuff but hoping we can avoid more of them during this season. Up for any suggestions!!

Bunny Moods