Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thanks Joanie

Your BIRTHDAY GIFT to Angel allowed me to get dinner made tonight with no distractions...although now I have lots of silly songs running around in my head!!

Pepe update

Thank you to all the prayers!! Pepe is in recovery right now and will be moved to ICU for the night. He came thru the surgery well and the doctor seems pleased. He ended up having 4 bypasses and one valve replaced. They were able to take the vein from his leg for the bypass so that was good. He is still hooked up to all kinds of monitors and on a ventilator right now, but once he wakes up and starts to respond well they will start removing him from machines. They are hoping tomorrow to get him up and in 3-4 days if there are no complications and he is up walking they maybe will be able to bring him home. So we are so thankful for the successful surgery and praying still for a safe and complication-free recovery during these next few critical hours and days. Our guardian angels were all working overtime today!!!