Friday, August 29, 2008

Exciting Times

Today, I think I was shocked and then excited and very impressed with McCain's VP candidate.....Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. You can watch his announcement and her acceptance speech, HERE. I was impressed with her a few months ago, when I read this account and story of her decision regarding her last pregnancy and the courage it took to remain pro-life and stand up for the a beautiful little boy. She seems like a very grounded, solid, strong, determined and courageous woman...and I look forward to learning more about her and her politics during the next 67 days before the election. McCain-Palin '08 unexpected ticket...but a good my opinion.

Cutest Elephant Ever

Emma's Stats

Yesterday, Emma had her nine month check up. She weighed in at 20 pounds (75%)(same as Angel was at this age) and is 28 inches long (75%). Her head is still 97% at 47.8 cm....most be all those smart brains in there!! This was her first appointment with the doctor since I switched to this pediatrician, and it was very refreshing. She took the time to discuss certain issues with me such as vaccinations and we worked out a plan together. She is very good with the kids and answered my questions, concerns and attentively listened to me. I was also very excited that the brands I wanted for vaccinations....they had! So all around it was a successful and refreshing visit. If anyone needs a good pediatrician in our area, let me far I highly recommend her. Emma got her finger pricked for a blood count (of which she later sucked off the band-aid and got blood remember to request the heel prick over the finger!)...and one shot....which she didn't even fuss about yesterday at all....such a HUGE difference from the last time! And the other big news.....her first tooth has broken through the gums!!! (that explains the biting while nursing lately and the fussy nights while sleeping) Where has our little baby gone?? Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but she has added yet another big bruise around her eye....her crawling and standing war wounds!


We have been harvesting LOTS of zucchini from our garden. So I spent the last couple of days making up lots of batches of Curried Zucchini Soup and Chocolate Zucchini Bread, all of which I will freeze so that we can enjoy over the next several months. I am also just going to slice and grate zucchini in the quantities I need to be able to grab from the freezer when I want to make quiche and soups etc. Nothing like enjoying the fruits of the garden throughout the winter!! (I also updated the menu from Monday to include the ravioli recipe)

New Hanna Attire

Yesterday the exciting Hanna boxes arrived. Angel loves opening her presents and trying on her new clothes. Aunty Megs spoils them and definitely keeps them in style! Here is a video just for you Megs of Angel opening the box although I missed the initial excitement and her carrying it around the house until I opened it....then she plays shy when she sees the camera on. oh well...and after I stopped she stood up and asked..."where are the hats?" Another Hanna package came with some darling dresses and hats, but will post pics of those later when we get the exchanged sizes back. Thanks so much, they are adorable!

Teaching Emma how to make soup