Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Get me out of here!"

Angel was climbing on some tubs I had under the dining room table today and got stuck. She couldn't figure out how to get herself down....I was cracking up because she got my attention by yelling "Mama....get me out of here!"

Mama's cookie helper

Angel loves "helping" me in the kitchen and yesterday helped make some cookies. Her favorite part....licking the beaters!

Sweet pics

Thanks Julie for passing these on....your wedding was beautiful!!

Could she get your vote??

Well...she did win a mock election and debate series in middle school....but could she win your vote today? Click HERE.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Power of Prayers

Last night we had a long talk with my mother-in-law, Mary Hartsell. Many of you have been praying for her through her battle and surgery, test, etc with breast cancer. We were really hoping the good news would continue....she was told they got all of the tumor and her lymph nodes were clear!! So the plan was to start radiation and be done with it! Well, unfortunately while the cancer is estrogen positive, she is also HER2/neu positive (an oncogene overexpression that could cause more severe breast cancer in other area of the body later if not treated for now. For a better description of HER2 status, click HERE and for a brief explanation on it and the medicine treatment Herceptin, click HERE.) So, to make this short and sweet....here is the plan that we are looking at. She will have a port put in under the skin by her collar bone probably the first week of October. Then on October 13th, start chemotherapy....it looks like they will do the two most powerful chemo drugs first. Two rounds in October and two in November. Then in December the plan is to do the less intense chemo and start the Herceptin treatment every week for 12 weeks. So by the end of February she hopes to be done with the chemo. March she will continue the Herceptin and most likely have to continue until December of next year. Then in April she will start radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks. WHEW. So.....we will keep you posted on how she does, but I really hope everyone can add her and the family to your prayer list. She is a very strong lady and I know she can get through this. I hope that all of our prayers will help her get through each day, one at a time knowing that she is loved and prayed for. It is so hard for Jason and I to be so far away, especially in times like these. Mom, we wish we could come over and have the girls make you laugh.....I wish I could make you a cup of tea and play some cards to get your mind clear, I wish I could come over and make you some meals and clean the house.....but we hope you know that we love you so much and we will help you get through this any way we can!! Saint Peregrine and Saint Agatha, pray for her.

So Silly

Angel was cracking us up the other night just running around in circles in the house and being just plain silly!!

Sweet Girl

Do Your Part

Today is Day 3 of the 40 Days for Life. Check out the site and see how you can help and stay up to date on the latest news. There is no greater power than the power of prayer....so please join this powerful event and change some hearts, lives and protect the gift and miracle of life.

Easy and Delicious

Both of these recipes were super easy and SO DELICIOUS!!

Cheesy Bean Enchiladas (I also used some shredded mexican cheese and added rice)

Grandma Gert's Chocolate Cake

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Alli in Tom Sawyer

My mom took me to Alli's show, Tom Sawyer, Sunday night and it was SO GOOD and SO FUNNY. The newspaper critic was there that night and he wrote THIS AWESOME REVIEW. If you can make it to the show, please come...you will love it! Here are some sounds clips and video from one of the rehearsals to give you a little taste!
The Love Song

Lost in the cave

"The Light" song in the cave

Alli singing in the cave

Recipes to Share

Sorry, with all the stress and crazy menus we have been having lately, I haven't done my Monday menus...but here are two recipes we loved:

Low Carb Penne Pasta in Pesto-Cream Sauce (good for Fridays, I used low fat half and half instead of the heavy cream)

Split Pea Soup (I made up with ingredients I had on hand, SO YUMMY!)
about 7-8 cups water
3 chicken bouillon cubes
whole bag green split peas (I think 1 lb)
chopped up onion
chopped up carrot
2-3 cloves minced garlic
I added spices like Basil, Rosemary, bay leaves and salt and pepper

Put everything in pot...bring to a boil, then turn down to simmer for several hours (4-5). I added ham cubes last 30 minutes. YUMMERS!!

"If it doesn't kill you..."

Well, I know I have heard the saying "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger" and "God never gives you more than you can handle"....but starting the third week in this Boeing strike, I am feeling very weak and frustrated, scared and stressed. There is still no "new contract" on the table and the strike is going strong. We found out this last week that the strike checks don't even start until the third week of a strike, but you have to go to Seattle to even get that. It is $150 a week and the first one is issued this Saturday. There is also some buzz that come October 1st, your medical benefits might stop as well....GREAT!! Of course, they offer COBRA which is ridiculously expensive. And of course we don't qualify for unemployment because technically we have a job...one which we are just not allowed to go to work for and not receive any kind of pay or benefits in the meantime. I am having a hard time understanding how the Union which is fighting for the people, is really creating quite a burden for us in the process. Of course, this is all just compiled with the stress of the transmission in the van deciding it was a perfect time to BREAK and poor hubby is trying to find one in a junk yard and how to do ti himself so save us the $3000 the shop wanted! So, yes it hasn't killed me yet and I believe God gives us strength through the hard spots....just trying not to lose my sanity in the process of surviving.

But on a more serious note, we want to thank EVERYONE for all their support and prayers during the time and for all of those that have helped. Especially again, the Grays for the car which has been HUGE right now!! We are hoping this all can come to a close soon!!! October 3rd is Jason's birthday, so the end to this strike would be a wonderful present!!

Update: My brother-in-law, Chris, who was with Lehman Brothers....for now has a job with Barclays at least for sure through December so that is HUGE. And he gets to continue his MBA program too!! They are updating , HERE.

Pajama Time

The girls look so cute in yes...their Hanna Andersson PJs (thanks Aunty Megs)...it is nice that Emma can wear all the beautiful clothes Angel got!

Missing you Sophie

My friend Sophie has just recently moved to CT and we miss her a lot. We are grateful that she has made several trips back so they we could visit some. Sophie, this outfit still fits Angel and SHE LOVES THE HAT AND SWEATER. Couldn't get them off of her!! We think of you whenever she wears it!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Name that Tune, Song #2

Name that Tune, Song #1

(hint...she recently watched part of Sound of Music)

Cookin Sisters

They have been spending a lot of time cooking and playing in this kitchen together...so cute!!

Get Out and Vote

This powerful video which has been appearing a lot lately reminds us that there are some REAL important life-changing issues that trump others in this election. Watch and I think the choice is clear....

Girls with Curls

Saturday night I decided to try curls in Angel's hair. First, I didn't' know if she would let me put them in....SHE LOVED IT...kept handing them to me to put more in. Second, I didn't think she would keep them in...she did and wanted to put them in my hair and in Emma's too! Third, I was sure she wouldn't sleep with them....but she did and while some got loose and one fell out....she managed to have some beautiful curls for church Sunday morning.


"Marmee's Blanket"

My mom, Marmee as the grandkids call her, made Angel a new blanket/quilt for her bed. Angel LOVES it especially since it has butterflies on it that match her room (a friend just told me I never posted pics of the girls rooms so I will have to do that). It has been warm here this past week and Angel still INSISTS on covering up with "Marmee's blanket" as it has been named. Last night Jason ended up sleeping on the pull out with her becuase the poor baby was having trouble sleeping and breathing (see update below)....and Jason said she woke up at one point and said "I need Marmee's blanket!" Too cute...so thanks Marmee!!


Poor guy spent two days like this fixing seals on both ends of the transmission shafts (I know this technically is probably wrong....but I try)....they both were leaking fluid and needed to be replaced. So for about $60 he fixed what would have cost us $1000+ to get done. We were really hoping that was it, but there is still a leak from somewhere else...waiting for a shop to tell us what it is and hopefully we can get it fixed soon.

I Love Pigtails!

Double Trouble

Still on Strike

Update on us is that the Union is still on strike, thus Jason still is not able to work. I check HERE daily for any good news, but nothing so far. Jason has to go once a week to picket to get the $150 Union weekly strike pay!! We are only hoping that this can end sooner rather than later, although the last one took 24 days!! It is a weird reality to have a job but not be allowed to go in to work. Thanks to all for your prayers and support....thank you to the Gray family for the use of your car while our van has decided to was also a good time to go on strike! I keep trying to count my many blessings during this tough time for us, especially when I see how many people in this country are suffering with the devastation of Hurricane Ike. Sometimes it is hard to keep it all in perspective though. Luckily Jason has been able to do some work for my dad by accomplishing his outside "to do list". Jason spent two days fixing the car to still have a leak from somewhere...hoping the shop can diagnose the problem and possibly a friend can help us fix...we shall see.
I hope we didn't start a sister tradition....because when I was pregnant with my first child...Jason ended up getting laid off his job. And well....for those that haven't heard....Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy and my sister's husband Chris works there. You can go to their SITE to read the details....but being in your third trimester and having your hubby lose a job is never fun...I know!! But, Chris is working through this week and already getting some offers and possible offers on the table....so hopefully something will come through fast for him...maybe even better it sounds like!! So we will keep that in prayer too!
But, I better run because both the girls decided to get a "lovely" cold with horrible runny noses and coughs...so I have spent the days suctioning noses out and dealing with babies that can't sleep!! Angel has been walking around with her mouth wide open and drooling since she can't breathe through her nose and last night started a fever...still 101. Poor babes. So I am off to suction some more!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Teenager!!

Happy Birthday Alli. I can't believe my "baby" sister is now 13!!!! Wow, how the years have flown by....there are so many times when I am taking care of my little ones that I remember doing the same things with you!! I am so blessed that I get to see so much of you...I was always worried that because I was so much older you would never really know or see me!! You are so full of life and it is always such a pleasure to watch you and all your many talents. You are a wonderful aunt and the girls are blessed to be so close to you!! I hope you have a wonderful day and can't wait to celebrate tomorrow!! Love you!

Come see Alli as Becky Thatcher!!

My sister, Alli, is starring as Becky Thatcher (the girl in the yellow dress in the picture) in CSTOCK's production of Tom Sawyer in Silverdale. The show starts September 19 - October 12th, show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 730pm and Sundays at 6pm. Tickets can be bought online at http://www.brownpapertickets.com/, by phone at 360-692-9940, or email tickets@cstock.org , and at the door too. (I think they are $10-15). It is a GREAT show with some AWESOME music. Click HERE for an early review and a nice comment about Alli. We have been taking the girls to the rehearsals so they can see Aunt Alli perform without interrupting the audience. Tomorrow, September 14th, they are singing some of the songs at the Global Bean Coffee House in Silverdale from 2-4pm...come down and listen!! (the coffee is REALLY good too!)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Goodbye Bessie

Today, I had a "bittersweet" moment. I said goodbye to a very loyal car, Bessie. While it wasn't new, it was my first car. My dad had gotten her when we lived in Virginia Beach and I learned to drive in her. I drove her across the country when we moved to Washington and before my Junior year of college drove her back across the country to TN. I was very recognizable on campus with a 1987 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser...especially with no AC in the hot humid weather and when her head liner started to sag! But with a little TLC now and then (had to get new tires and a new alternator when I was in college...and I put a CD player in her) and lots of love she got me through the last couple years of school...another trip across the country toting a U-Haul behind her after graduation...and as my car until just three years ago....today we said goodbye. She has been sitting in our driveway for awhile and while she is definitely still drivable, would need a lot of internal cosmetic work and some new parts to get her working. So we found a charitable organization that had it towed away for free and will fix it up and sell it for that price to someone who needs it. Jason found amusement in my "bittersweet moments" watching her get towed away...but she was a reliable and hardworking car for me that "carried" lots of memories that I will never forget...thanks old girl, I know you will serve someone else just as well!!

We Remember

Hard to believe that seven years has passed by since September 11th and the attack on the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and the crash in Pennsylvania. Hard to think that my girls weren't born and I wasn't even married. I think September 11th is one of those days that everyone will remember "where they were when IT happened". I do...I was at Maryville College in TN and just walking into my first class for the day, Comparative Vertebrate Zoology with Dr. Cash. A friend of mine walked into the room and asked if we had heard about the plane crashing into a New York building. A couple people said "ya, a little" but most of us said no. The professor started teaching and I remember in the back of my mind thinking, gosh...I hope it wasn't a bad plane crash! Slowly the noise in the halls outside the doors started to get our attention. When we opened them we saw people standing around crying, people glued to radios and TVs and lots of confusion. I remember racing over to my apartment (the campus was eerily empty since everyone was inside by a TV) and tuning it on to catch up on all the news. My stomach ached, my heart ached and I think my emotions were stunned and in disbelief. I remember feeling so scared, so alone and just wanting to be home in WA with my family and loved ones. I called all day to Jason, then my fiance, who was stationed at a base there right outside the city and not hearing ANYTHING from him for HOURS. I was so relieved when I knew he was ok and spent the rest of the day numb and with close friends and calling home a lot!! I thank God for the safety of my loved ones, I pray for those that are still mourning the loss of theirs, and I feel so grateful and blessed to be part of a great nation where we have brave men and women in uniform to protect this freedom we get to enjoy everyday. We will never forget...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Messes Coming!!

A Ride in Rocket

Angelica kept telling me she wanted to ride in Rocket....which is this from her favorite cartoon, The Little Einsteins.I was puzzled for awhile, until she started saying to put her car seat in it. However, what we came to figure out is she wanted to ride in Jason's car....which she has named Rocket and had lots of fun riding in it today and patting to get it to go, just like they do on the show. So cute!! Now, ALL she wants to do is RIDE in rocket (car)....which since the van is broken right now (read post below)...is her lucky day!

Prayers Please

Well, as many of you know, Jason had started his new job at Boeing a few weeks ago and has really been enjoying it...well...that was until the union he is mandated to be a part of decided to go on strike. So today he was not able to report to work but instead had to go sign up for picket times. This apparently happens every three years when the union contract is negotiated (I guess the bright spot there is that it is only every 3 years). But..for a young family trying to make ends meet when prices are up and now we are not even able to go to work...let's just say it is another trial or cross we are trying to carry and praying for the strength to get through it. So we are praying for a SHORT strike and hopefully the new contract will be worth it. I am not sure if there is a patron saint for union strikes but if there is....let me know!! I am definitely praying to Saint Joseph for the work to start back up. But, you know when it rains it pours....and yesterday on our way to go watch my sis play soccer (of course it was the closest game of the year) the car broke down. My hubby was able to get us home but not only did we miss the game (Angelica cried the whole way home saying she wanted to see Aunt Caitlin play soccer), but then we got frustrated wondering how we could handle car problems now too!! After riding 25 miles on his bike today to the union office and back, Jason went around figuring out the car issue (again if you missed this post, I am lucky he is so mechanic savvy). Tomorrow he hopes to fix the transmission leak problem (I know...real technical..sorry hon) for $40-50 by himself instead of $500...but it might take all morning. So, any patron saint of car problems too? Maybe the strike was intended to happen right now so he can resolve my car issue and then miraculously tomorrow night it will end?? I am just looking for the positive perks to this situation. If you can add us to the prayer list, we would greatly appreciate it and will keep you posted!

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Chicken Patty Sandwiches, Applesauce, Waffle Fries & Green Salad
Tuesday: Farmer's Pork Chops, Green Beans and Corn
Wednesday: Hamburger Chop Suey over rice, Spoon Bread
Thursday: Orange Chicken Stir Fry over Rice, Homegrown cucumber/tomato salad
Friday: Homemade Macaroni & Cheese, Italian Salad of homegrown cucumbers, homegrown tomatoes, feta cheese and Italian dressing
Saturday: Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Peas and Leftover Italian Salad
Sunday: Dinner with Family TBD

(new recipes for me in RED, will leave comment about it here after we try it and update menu if we added or changed anythign worth sharing!)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baby Gate Time

I can't believe we are at this stage with Emma already...:(

Good Friends

It was so nice to see Stephers....a great friend of mine from college days. She and her boyfriend Josh were here for her brother's wedding this weekend. Steph is one of those friends that no matter how long it is between talking to each other, it always feels like we can just pick up from old times so easily. I love her so much and was so glad we could finally meet Josh and that she could meet the girls. She is hoping to be in this area for a bit doing the travel nurse thing, so I hope that works out and we can see a lot more of you!! Miss you already friend!

Big Girl Bike

Learning to ride...now that her feet can touch the pedals!!

Couldn't resist...

... I know, a bit cheesy but those big baby bums just make me laugh! I think her expression fits the question too!

Saturday Sodas

On Saturdays I usually make my hubby and I lattes and Angel is always wanting her OWN drink. So, today I made her a raspberry Italian soda....and she thought she was in heaven drinking it from a big girl cup at the big girl table, with a straw and of course some whip cream!! Little treats make the day!

A Mommy in Training

Angel has recently really started to love her baby dolls. She loves to "keep them warm" which they usually need because she doesn't like keeping their clothes off. She loves to put blankets on them, burp them, pat their backs...all the things she sees Mama do with Emma. Including today...she told me she needed to give her baby yum-yums (which in this house is what we call nursing)...luckily that thought passed quickly...oh boy!! But, last night she told me she needed to put Sally to sleep and laid down on the couch with her...so sweet! (thanks Grays for that Sally doll!)

Dresses and Hats

Aunty Megs has spoiled them again with new Fall Sweater Hanna Andersson dresses and Angel's favorite...hats! So cute!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Loved it!!

While I loved many aspects of Sarah Palin's speech last night (including her poise, integrity, confidence, humor, cracks and lines she made to her opponents etc), one of the cutest and uncensored moments was of her daughter Piper holding and grooming her little brother Trig....so sweet!! Watch it here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Babies Can Sleep Anywhere

...even with their faces pressed against their crib with their arms hanging out...in a squatting position!! This is how Emma decided to finally fall asleep after we let her cry it out some. I guess she just got too tired yelling and decided to close her eyes for awhile...we will see how long it lasts. I was able to move her back to a more comfortable sleeping position. She has still not been sleeping in her own bed at nights and I am trying to get her used to it...wish us luck! Not that I mind the cuddle time...but she is a mover during the night and I think is waking up to nurse out of habit and comfort now more than the need to eat. I think the teething has been making her not sleep as well either....but because she is so active and mobile now, I would like to not have to worry about her rolling or crawling off the bed if she wakes up! Angel was in her crib for the most part by 6 months so Emma has been spoiled a little longer...I think because I have found it much easier to just sleep and nurse than go to the room and such...we shall see how it goes! We took video, but unfortunately it is coming across to dark....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Me too!

I was trying to get a picture of Emma's little tooth that finally broke through the gums....and then Angel wanted to have a picture of her teeth taken too! Then we have been having Emma practice walking behind the toy truck and after we video taped Emma doing it...you will see that Angel has to show us how she can do it too and then takes off on it! So silly...does not want to share the spotlight very much lately.

Soccer Shots

This past weekend we enjoyed being able to watch Caitlin play soccer. She had a game Saturday and Sunday (the ESC tournament) and both of them were in Olympia so we could easily drive there. Saturday they played Carroll College and won 5-1. Sunday they played Rocky Mountain College and won 3-1. Other than some injuries (including Caitlin getting kicked hard in the head!), they played really well. Angelica is definitely the little cheerleader this year and kept the crowd entertained!! If anyone would like to see a game, they will be playing in Tacoma this coming Sunday at University of Puget Sound at 12 pm. The girls had a good time, but were exhausted Sunday on the drive home...and yes Angel fell asleep with her socks on her hands...(we also stopped at the Olympia Farmers Market on Sunday and it was REALLY neat. We must go back when we have more time and the Harbor Festival isn't going on!) This first pic must have been a bad call...we all look too serious and not so happy!