Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just a little chat with Papa

My sleeping "baby"

It is so weird still to not think of Emma as "my baby". She has grown up so much these past few months. She loves to sleep and is our little cuddler. She loves her big bear in her bed from Aunty Megs, always holds onto her Gracie giraffe from a friend (and yes I made up a silly song to go with it) and HAS TO HAVE her blanket quilt that my grandmother Meme made for her on top! Every time I put it on her she says, "Meme made this for me!" Sweet "baby" girl!

15 Minutes of Snow

We had one of the warmest winters on record. But a couple days ago we actually had some snow!! OK, so it only snowed for about fifteen minutes....but it was a lot and big snowflakes. And it was just enough time for the girls (who have been wanting snow all winter) to get on their coats and boots and enjoy it while it lasted. Maybe next year....

Sportin the Pony

I never thought Emma's hair would be long enough for a ponytail! She was completely bald for over a year but finally has some hair and it is even a bit curly at the ends!! She loves wearing a pony although I am hoping the sides continue to grow out because it doesn't hold up all day yet. Silly girl!