Friday, May 16, 2008

First ER trip

Well, Angel has added another "first" to her list: a trip to the ER. On Wednesday when she woke up from her nap we noticed she was very hot...and had a fever. After some Tylenol and several hours the fever was gone. She was acting like nothing was bothering her...later that night however the fever was back up. At 230 in the morning I took her temp and it was over 105!! My heart was racing, talk about scary!! (the parts of motherhood that get me frightened!!) So we gave her some Tylenol and Jason took her to the ER right away. When they took it there it was down to 103.8. After get thoroughly checked out by the doc, they sent us home with the news that it is "nothing" just a virus. Ugh. She has been in good spirits and had the doc laughing!! So the last couple of days have been of little sleep, and trying to get the girlies (Emma has a low grade fever, although think hers might be a cold and teething) feeling better. Of course, now the noses are runny and coughs are happening so sleeping is challenging. Luckily Angel loves taking her temperature and her medicine and has been enjoying eating snow cones for the ice...she is also cutting in her two year molars right now!! Poor baby. Hard to tell with the little ones, what is teething, allergies, colds etc. All the things I am slowly learning as a mother...and how scary they can be!! is nice having a certified EMT for a hubby!! Hoping everyone else is staying healthy!! (and enjoying this HOT weather!)