Saturday, May 8, 2010

Always Happy & Laughing Baby

Too Big

We had to retire our baby swing a few weeks ago....especially when I came in the room and saw Michaela like this!! Just chillin, happy...but so glad she was strapped in!!! Jason and I have joked that with Michaela we finally got our money's worth for this swing. Angelica would go in for a bit....Emma hated it and Michaela LIVED in it for the first several months of life. Bittersweet to put it away...

Multi-Purpose Boppy

We love the boppy....I use it a lot in the hospital to nurse home my babies sleep in them for the first several weeks....they help when they are learning to sit up...and sometimes just serve as a good pillow when you get sleepy....

Little Gardeners

Last weekend we took advantage of some nice weather and got all of our plants in. After each hanging basket I would give it to the girls to get watered. They loved planting all the seeds with Papa for our garden....but for some reason they really loved just filling up the watering cans all day!! And Michaela wasn't too sure what to make of being outside!!

After Bath Dress Up

After baths, the girls get to play in Angelica's room for a bit. They LOVE to take all the dress up clothes out of the closet and play....this night for some reason Angelica got to wear the dress and Emma, to wear the cape!!

Tea Party for Two