Thursday, February 26, 2009

Two Down - 38 To Go

I posted about the Red Envelope project a bit ago, but since the Forty Days for Life and Lent started yesterday, I thought it would be a fun idea for the girls and I to do a red envelope each day and go mail them together. Today we mailed two as we didn't do yesterday. While Angel doesn't quite understand what President is...she caught on to the idea of praying for and protecting all the she was very excited to mail the envelopes as she says "ALL BY MYSELF!" Don't forget yours!! And for those locals, here is our local forty days for life info.

Nature vs Nurture

The other night at dinner we had such a funny and memorable moment (definitely baby book worthy) with Angelica. We were talking about our day and Jason mentioned something about work.
Angelica "Papa, you were gone all day at work."
Jason: "Yes I was....would you like to go to work?"
Angelica (with one of those "you know better" tones): "Papa...only boys go to work and I am a girl, mama is a girl, Emma is a girl and you are a boy so you go to work!"
We were laughing so hard and then Jason reminded her to make sure she tells her husband that one day. It was so cute but it is what she knows....

Story continues:
Today we were on video chat (sister got us a webcam for our anniversary and know we use Skype to chat and see the cool!) I was telling the funny story to Megs who then told Angelica that Aunty Megs goes to work...Angel gave her "the look" and said "No you don't, only boys." So in her mind I guess, if you are a girl you stay home and do the home stuff and boys go do the work of those nature vs nurture moments where I am sure her perspective would be very different if I wasn't a stay at home sweet!! Although she will soon learn that staying home does include work, it isn't all play!!

Shout Out to the Homeland

Many of you know that my dad's family is from Belgium...actually most of all the extended family is still there as my grandparents were the only ones to immigrate first to Canada and then to the United States. Anyways...the Vatican just came out with the announcement that ten more saints will be canonized soon!! So exciting...but even more so is one of them is Father Damián de Veuster, known as the apostle of the lepers of Molokai, Hawaii - who is from Belgium!!

VATICAN CITY - A 19th-century Belgian priest who ministered to leprosy patients in Hawaii will be declared a saint Oct. 11 at a Vatican ceremony presided over by Pope Benedict XVI.
The Rev. Damien de Veuster's canonization date was set Saturday during a meeting between Benedict and cardinals at the Apostolic Palace.
De Veuster will be canonized along with three other people, the Vatican said.

In July, Benedict approved a miracle attributed to the priest's intercession, declaring that a Honolulu woman's recovery in 1999 from terminal lung cancer was the miracle needed for him to be made a saint.
He was beatified — a step toward sainthood — in 1995 by Pope John Paul II.
Born Joseph de Veuster in 1840, he took the name Damien and went to Hawaii in 1864 to join other missionaries of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Nine years later he began ministering to leprosy patients on the remote Kalaupapa peninsula of Molokai island, where some 8,000 people had been banished amid an epidemic in Hawaii in the 1850s.
The priest eventually contracted the disease, also known as Hansen's disease, and died in 1889 at age 49.
The Vatican's saint-making procedures require that a miracle attributed to the candidate's intercession be confirmed in order for him or her to be beatified. Damien de Veuster was beatified after the Vatican declared that the 1987 recovery of a nun of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was a miracle. The nun recovered from an illness after praying to Damien.
After beatification, a second miracle is needed for sainthood.
The Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints said Audrey Toguchi's 1999 recovery from lung cancer defied medical explanation, and in July, Benedict agreed. Toguchi, too, had prayed to Damien.

Ash Wednesday

Yesterday I decided I would take the girls to the noon mass because the 7 pm gets a little too late sometimes. So we got all ready and in the car and to the church 15 minutes ahead of schedule (have to schedule in diaper checking time)....only to have it raining and no parking within easy walking distance with two little ones. So after circling the parking lot and streets several times and realizing I was probably going to be late (and for those of you that know me, know that that is not a good thing that I enjoy)....I just took a deep breath and drove back home. Angel was very upset and it was a cranky car ride home as she kept telling me "Mama...try again ...please mama find a's your birthday, I want ashes!" So I had to console her with a Capri Sun and the knowledge that we would go later with Papa and get a parking spot and ashes. And we did....Hard to believe the season of Lent is upon us as I feel we just ended the Christmas season!! I made (also what I think might be a good tradition) this new recipe of Black Beans over brown rice....the only thing I changed was I finely chopped all the veggies including the peppers and sauteed in olive oil for a few minutes...I added the white wine immediately with all the other liquids...did not add the Tabasco sauce...and then we put some shredded cheddar cheese and a spoonful of sour cream on top.....VERY YUMMY. When I was "trying" to explain Ash Wednesday to Angelica...I had said something about Jesus died on the cross for us and she responded with "PopPop had a bad boo boo and he got sick and died..." Yes he did, I said and we miss him a lot! Then Angel said "But it's ok mama...PopPop is in heaven with Jesus and Mamasan" So sweet...and amazing how such a little mind can make those connections. At Church, after we received Ashes...Emma kept rubbing hers off (why you can't see much left in the picture) and then she kept pointing to my head and saying "Messy"...very loudly over and over again. It was a little hard to keep her quiet when she was making so many around her chuckle!! We survived the late mass with two very tired girls and I am just glad I receive graces just by being there because tonight I didn't hear too much of what was said! I always find it amusing how incredibly hungry I am when it is a day of fasting and wanting things I usually don't even eat....such a mental thing I think! Emma received her first ashes this year as last year she was feeling a little Happy Ash Wednesday to everyone and hope you have a blessed Lenten season. If you haven't read Pope Benedict's message for Lent 2009, check it out!!

Birthday Surprise

So my birthday was on Ash Wednesday so we decided to celebrate it on Monday. I can't remember for how many years my mom has made me my favorite meal of lumpia (although it is the thicker more meat kind) with sweet and sour sauce, rice and salad and my favorite birthday cake of Coffee Angel Food Cake. (all the recipes are posted here) So thank you was DELICIOUS!! I look forward to this meal every year! Angel helped me open my presents....and I was TOTALLY SHOCKED to see a new camera!!! A Canon Digital EOS Rebel XS....thank you to everyone that contributed to get me this amazing gift....I have a secret love and passion for I just need the time to figure out how to use it and take some pictures!! Also thank you to everyone for the birthday cards, wishes, phone calls, email and Facebook greetings!! I am blessed by so many family members and friends!