Thursday, July 26, 2007

Here come the molars....

Poor Angel (and mom) have been suffering through this past week with the teething stage. She has her bottom central and lateral incisors, and top central incisors and one lateral one. According to this chart, her other top lateral incisor is slow in coming....although it is popping through right now as well. She is right on track with her first molars. Two of them on her right side have come through halfway and the left side are right below the gums.

Not much relief is had while these struggle to come through. She does alright during the day...likes crushed ice and Popsicles...but is a lot more clingy to mom's legs and we have nicknamed her mom's "little shadow". Her nights are the hardest as she awakes quite frequently and just wants to be held and rocked and reassured I believe that everything is alright. Luckily she still nurses so that provides some relief. The
homeopathic teething tablets help as well, and sometimes some good old Tylenol at night. I keep telling myself that even through my exhaustion to hold onto these memories and enjoy these times I get to hold her close, rock her back to sleep, nurse her, and have her hang onto me all day long. I am sure that soon enough I will be wishing for these hard but precious days back.