Friday, August 1, 2008

Just in case I need to sing...

...Angel has been walking around with her microphone in her pocket today. She loves all the songs of the Laurie Berkner Band (thanks Joanie for the awesome DVD!). Her latest is the Moon Moon Moon song. Translation when you listen: Moon, moon moon, shining bright...moon moon moon, I can see, moon moon moon you're taking care of me. At least this is the part we got on video....we are going to need to get the other DVDs to expand the song lists! (and yes those are her slipper clogs from Holland that Aunt Caitlin got her and the only shoes she has been wanting to wear lately...even to sleep!)

Color Blue and Little Trucks?

Yes, those are a few of the things we will have to start getting used to as my sister Meghan just found out she is having a BOY!!!! As one of four girls, and now having two of my own, adding a little man to the family will be lots of fun...I can actually look at the boy clothes and toys now too!! Congrats Megs and Chris and can't wait to meet Little Mr. Sturhahn!!