Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Babies Can Sleep Anywhere

...even with their faces pressed against their crib with their arms hanging a squatting position!! This is how Emma decided to finally fall asleep after we let her cry it out some. I guess she just got too tired yelling and decided to close her eyes for awhile...we will see how long it lasts. I was able to move her back to a more comfortable sleeping position. She has still not been sleeping in her own bed at nights and I am trying to get her used to it...wish us luck! Not that I mind the cuddle time...but she is a mover during the night and I think is waking up to nurse out of habit and comfort now more than the need to eat. I think the teething has been making her not sleep as well either....but because she is so active and mobile now, I would like to not have to worry about her rolling or crawling off the bed if she wakes up! Angel was in her crib for the most part by 6 months so Emma has been spoiled a little longer...I think because I have found it much easier to just sleep and nurse than go to the room and such...we shall see how it goes! We took video, but unfortunately it is coming across to dark....