Saturday, February 9, 2008

First "legal" drink....

My sister Caitlin finally was able to sit in the "adult" section of Applebees and ordered her first legal drink....I think she enjoyed it!! However, after trying a couple shots, I think she has decided to stick to the fruity drinks you sis!

Too much of a good thing....

So I have definetly realized that as wonderful as the past month has been with all kinds of family and friends visiting and the fun events we have been participating in with wedding plans etc, that when you have two girlies under the age of two departing from their schedule is NOT a good thing. It has really been a roller coaster since Emma was born. We had the holidays and trying to adjust to two kids and a new little baby...then we had bridal shower and company...then Emma's baptism and more company...then all the wedding festivities. Thursday night at the rehearsal dinner I should have seen Angel's motor starting to run down. She woke up that night several times which she barely ever does anymore....and along with her nice little blue-purple eye from a fall, her eyes were looking so tired and run down. Saturday morning at the church getting ready she only wanted mommy and was so fussy....I should have known she wasn't feeling good...but just thought she was only tired and overwhelmed. You can tell from the wedding pictures that the poor kid was NOT herself. So Sunday night when we finally came home, I took her temperature and she had a fever....this continued all week with a BAD runny nose. At least she is good at letting us suction the yuckies out. But the severe cold made it hard for her to breathe so she was "sleeping" with mommy a lot in bed and would not go down for her naps which she usually does for 2-3 hours. (Man, how I have realized how much those nap times make a big difference for mommy as well!) Friday I finally took her in to the doctor becasue things were nto getting better....and the cold had caused an ear infection. Poor baby, but she wasn't even acting like her ear hurt. The doctor was amazed that she hadn't been into the doctor's yet (which he realized shortly because she screamed thru the whole visit)...and said being around so many people probably caused the cold which then turned into the ear infection, but luckily we got it before it got too bad. So she started medicine and I am hoping maybe SOON will be able to get some sleep by herself!! Luckily, Emma has been just fine so far...I am sure nursing helps wtih that though too. So while I thought this week would be a week to get back to "normal" and rest up some....I am hoping beyond hope that this next week might bring us some relief...these are definetly times I am grateful to be Catholic and I can try and offer up all these little "sufferings"....

(I will try and get wedding pics up soon....)