Friday, August 21, 2009

Congrats Congrats Congrats

To my good friend and college buddy Beth....she delivered TWO healthy baby boys yesterday. She had been having regular checks for awhile and had been very uncomfortable these past couple of weeks but was trying to keep those babes in as long as see her journey you can check out her family blog. Yesterday she gave birth to Blaine and Christian....two good size babies for was over 5 pounds and one just under. I haven't seen Beth since my wedding 6 years ago when she was expecting her daughter Beth, now a big sister!!! Wish I was closer to help and meet the babes...keep us posted with pics...and I am dying to know if they are identical or not!! Please keep them all in your prayers as they adjust to these two new beautiful additions!!! Love and miss you guys!

Small Things

This week we have been busy doing errands every day it seems. Sometimes it is the small things in life that you appreciate, enjoy and just want to say thank you for. Since I have been in the car a lot this week....I want to say a special thanks to hubby who fixed the entire driver door weather seal that was FALLING off for forever and also replaced our broken cup holder console. Both these small fixes and conveniences made me very happy and made me think of you!! And to boot he found all the parts at the dump!!! Go hubby!! (Now if we can find a new driver's seat....hehe, you know me always have something to add to the honey do list!)