Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hanna Hand Me Downs

It is amazing to see Miss Emma now wearing all of Angelica's Hanna Andersson outfits from Aunt Megs....where did my little girl go??
Her signature silly face
Angel stealing the lime light
but copied her sisters move!

Always Ash Wednesday...

...when you use your imagination with your bath crayons!! They thought of this all on their own!!

First Ash Wednesday

Reading Instead

Angel was supposed to be sleeping but she likes to read books and take them to bed with her. She was reading "Five Little Monkeys" over and over again, it was so cute!! She uses great intonation in her voice and I am sure she was doing the hand movements too!

School Days - A & C

For A & C week, we thought it would be nice to tie it in with Ashes (since Ash Wednesday was the day before) and Lent. So for A we did an Apple Craft...they cut open an apple and counted and found the seeds and then used those to make a paper apple. The apple was good for snack too! Then my friend explained to them about the Ashes and we took papers and drew sad faces on them for when we sin or make Jesus sad. Then to demonstrate how Jesus takes those and makes them go away we burned the sad faces in a bucket and made ashes. Angel was determined to end on a happy note though and wanted to draw a smiley face to make Jesus happy. Then for C we made a crown of thorns....twisted some grapevine together, and stuck wooden pins in it (40) and spray painted gold. The point is for Lent, each day if they do good deeds, acts of kindness or something that would make Jesus happy....they get to take a thorn out of the crown and hopefully by Easter they will all be gone!! It was a fun school day.

School Days - H & V

The letter sheets for H & V were fun because they had fun ways of learning the letters with drawing games. Angel likes doing the letters so then she can color the pictures. We had a coloring sheet of Saint Valentine for V and Valentines Day. Then we also made Valentine Heart (v & H) cookies and the kids LOVED decorating them. For H, I had them decorate little heart shaped boxes to put their treats in when we played a game. I cut out little hearts and put letters they knew on the front and numbers on the back. They had to Hop on the Heart when I told them a letter and then see what number was on the back and they got that many candy hearts for the box. We also had fun giving Valentine goodie bags!! Emma wants so badly to participate with everything but doesn't really have any interest in the "learning" parts yet....but she knows the letter O so I had to make sure I had enough O's in the mix for her to hop on!

School Days - F & T

We continue to do our preschool days together with a friend and Angelica loves it (Emma gets in on some of the projects too!). Our goal is to learn and practice two letters each books that might go along with letters or themes we choose...and do a couple craft projects or games as well, then have lunch together. I love the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum...teaches them the correct way to write their letters but also a lot of fun ideas to help. Angelica loves the worksheets and we keep them all in a folder. For F we made Wire Pipe Flowers and I also made a fishing game. I cut out fish and taped a paper clip to them. On the fish were letters we had learned and a number. They went "fishing" for the letter we said and when they got the fish whatever number that was on it....they got to pick that many Goldfish out and put in a baggy for a snack afterwards. They loved it! For T - we had tortilla quesadillas for lunch!

Learning to Laugh

Every now and then Michaela lets out a real giggle, so cute, can't wait for more!

Papa's Girl

Hide NOT Seek

The girls LOVE to play hide and seek. However, they go and hide just fine but then when you are supposed to find them....they yell and tell you where they are so it makes it pretty easy!!

My Monkeys

This is what the girls decide to do when they are supposed to be getting dressed after their baths...I really do not want another broken bone.

Valentines Recap

We had a nice Valentines Day. The girls helped me make our Valentines Dots (sorry didn't get a final pic)...they love unwrapping the Hershey kisses (I was surprised how many they didn't eat) and putting them on the pretzels.
The girls kept calling my flowers, "Wedding Flowers"
Happy First Valentines Day Baby!!
A DELICIOUS Red Velvet Cake that my mom made (she did increase sugar to 2 cups, and used 1 cup oil instead of shortening), the frosting was the traditional red velvet cake kind and SO YUMMMY.
The girls got some bubble foam and decided it was a good idea to use BOTH cans that night in the bath!!

3 Months Old (2-10-10)