Sunday, June 15, 2008

Say "cheese"

Angel was cracking us up....everything we did to try and get her to smile for the camera she decided to mimic...silly girl!

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads and granddads out there! I am so blessed to still have my grandfathers around, a wonderful loving father so close, a fantastic father-in-law and a hubby that has made such a caring and special daddy!! The girls love their Papa and all the time and attention he gives them. We appreciate all the hard work and sacrifices you make for your family and are so blessed to be your girls! Looking forward to a nice day at my folks house and eating yummy food!! Jason picked out a new cheesecake recipe, so we will let you know the taste verdict later. For now, some pics from after mass....

Bumper Sticker

"Next time you think you are so perfect, go try walking on water!"

Cool tricks...

Ok, this first tip I learned in VA from my mother-in-law. To avoid those round shape bubbled up hamburgers when you make them homemade...just put a thumb indentation in the middle of the patty before cooking....stays nice and flat!!

This next one my mom just told me yesterday and we had to try it and it worked!! If you ever lock your keys in the car and you can call your hubby or someone who has another unlock button to your car. If they are talking on a cell phone, they can hold the key unlock pad up to the phone, hit the keys and your car will unlock!! It's like magic!! (although I am sure there is some very profound technical explanation for how this works)