Friday, December 19, 2008

Be Careful...

...what you teach your children...such as
Case #1: A few weeks ago, I had a cut on my finger and started teaching Emma the word "boo-boo" and that we give kisses to make them feel better. Well....she got this concept really quickly and the other day as we were in the check out line Emma noticed a pimple...yes not a boo-boo but a lovely red pimple on my forehead....and remember Emma is she proceeded to repeat over and over "boo-boo" "boo-boo" and point to my pimple and then started giving kisses.....yes, we got looks and I was at that moment wishing I had not taught her that particular word!
Case #2: In our family room, I have a hanging bundle of mistletoe. Angel was playing with it one day so I explained what it is and let's just say we spent the rest of the day kissing and that was how Jason got greeted when he came home too. Not that we mind the kisses, but having to be pulled down to her level and have mistletoe hung over your head all day long does get a bit annoying....she even was able to plant one on Aunt Caitlin!!

Emma the Dilemma

This is definitely what I have been calling her for the last several months, since I cannot figure out her eating likes, habits, quirks etc. She has always (and still is) an avid nurser, but when we started foods, she took awhile to warm up to them. Since I made all her baby food, she eventually took to all the purees and also loves applesauce and yogurt. She will eat certain finger foods and snacks like puffs, cheerios, crackers etc, and is finally starting to drink from the sippy cup. When the stash of purees I made ran out, I bought a little baby food mill grinder and have been trying that. But she is so funny. She will start eating things and if she gets a bit of texture that she doesn't like, she will spit it out and then flail her arms and she is done with it. She also LOVES to throw things over the side and wipe frantically off her tray, which is just annoying and so different as Angel never did this. But, at her check up her pediatrician didn't seem concerned because: she is still nursing so getting those calories and nutrients, is still young and only truly needs small amounts of food, is gaining weight and growth properly and is healthy, can feed herself just fine, and still only has two bottom teeth so the doctor thinks that might be one reason why she isn't eating more table foods as readily because she can't really bite or chew still. So, after worrying a bit and stressing about her not eating "well" or "regular" foods, I had to remember that I cannot compare the process to Angel (the only one I know) because each child is different and will reach milestones at different times and in different ways, that Emma will let me know in her own time and way when she wants and likes new foods, and after reading this WONDERFUL POST AND COMMENTS....feel much better about Emma's dilemma. I think I will just make more purees for now and keep doing and trying what we have been....and hopefully those other teeth will come in too!! Aren't all the little challenges of motherhood exciting? If you have any tips, PASS them on!

Perfect for Cold Weather

We have a Cocomotion, which I love....makes yummy hot chocolate or coffees SUPER FAST with minimal work!! However, Jason had gotten this many years ago when he was a bachelor and of course didn't save directions which also had the after some searching, here is one I found that is very yummy. If you have any others...please pass on!!!

Mint Hot Chocolate (similar to Starbucks recipe)
1 cup water
4 TB cocoa
4 TB sugar
3 cups milk
2 tsp vanilla
peppermint syrup

Add everything to cocomotion and hit the start button!! Top with whip cream of course!

Yummy Dinner Recipes

A couple new ones from my sister:

This one is FABULOUS: Chicken Medallions with Capers and Tomatoes
Penne Arrabiata (I might add a little tomato paste next time though)