Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First round of pics...

Ok, so I am slowly getting pics organized from my sister Meg's wedding and events. Here are the pics, some getting all the favors ready, getting the GORGEOUS lillies delivered...the rehearsal and dinner, the fun ladies day at the spa salon for manicures and pedicures, food & bubbly....Friday night pizza dinner at the little clubhouse by my parents house, and the bridesmaids all putting their hair in rags and getting the dresses ready....

Good sign...

Well, after a long weekend...I ended up getting a fever and horrible sore throat...went to the doctor to find out I had nothing, just something viral. But today am feeling much better....and Angel took her usual two and a half hour nap for the first time in over a week!! It was wonderful!! So hopefully this is a sign that she is feeling better, that maybe she will sleep tonight in her own bed and that the sicky tides are turning!!