Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Interesting Swine Flu Reads

Building Cathedrals had an interesting POST on the swine flu vaccination and the comments were good. We have decided a long time ago that we will never have the kids get the nasal sprays (it is a LIVE virus) and just too many known side effects. And this year we are opting NOT to get any of the H1N1 vaccines anyways for many reasons....many of which I agree with in this interesting read:

So far we have stayed very healthy which is a huge blessing with expecting a newborn any minute. Hope you and yours are feeling well and if sick getting better!!!


Mostly leaving detailed updates on baby's website (sidebar) in the journal...so please take a look and leave a message.

Monday I had an appointment (39 weeks) and 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced...OB said head low and ready to go so hoping water breaks soon. Last night I had 3 long hours of contractions and today has been sporadic. Not sleeping....tired...anxious...uncomfortable...come on baby!! If I make it to my due date (unchartered territory for me) which is Sunday, then Monday I go in for a non-stress test and ultrasound to monitor baby and check fluids...then see what the doc says!!! Prayers please!!