Thursday, December 18, 2008

Frosty Fun

***Sorry, this is a LONG post, but for my mom who is still in NYC, and Angel misses her!!***

Today we woke up to a beautiful cover of winter white!! We had about 3-4 inches and decided to make the best of it since we couldn't go anywhere and Jason ended up having to stay home. Angel went out to enjoy it with her papa...that is after we bundled her up so much that poor thing could barely even stand up straight and walk let alone bend over. I laughed so hard when she kept falling over at first...but hey, at least she would be warm!! I must go look for a snowsuit once we can get out! While she wanted to mostly just eat the snow....she and Papa had some snow ball throws, made snow angels, made a snowman, and enjoyed some sled time, although Angel had to lay down on her belly since she kept falling over sitting up!! I know, I took a lot of pics and video, but what is a mama supposed to do? We don't get snow that often!!

I know rude parents, but it was so funny, poor thing couldn't bend over or get up she was so padded with clothes!!

Eating Snow

Sled Time

Throwing Snowballs

Snow Angels

Is Angelica under all those layers?

When Aunt Caitlin and Aunt Alli babysit....

....we make some music...
...we take some pictures (actually Alli takes a LOT!)...
...we do some hair...
...we have some funny face hood time...
...some cuddle time...
...some laundry of course...
...and well, I just don't want to know!

Decorating the Tree

We decorated our Christmas tree the other night and I wish I had had the video camera. While Angel was "helping" put the ornaments ON the tree....Emma took one look at the silver and red bulbs and decided to grab and RUN!! She was fascinated by them and would keep taking them OFF the tree and running thinking no one would be able to catch her!! So cute!