Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Doodle-Bop!

So hard to believe that Michaela Marie is the big TWO today!!  Seems like yesterday that we brought home a very dark-haired chubby little baby...and now she is a very light-haired strong little toddler!  In some ways she seems so much older because she is constantly trying to keep up with her older sisters.  She is our little "repeat" as we call her.  Anything they say, she repeats.  Anything they do, she tries to do as well.  She wants so badly to keep up and grow up and I try to hold on so tightly to these sweet little years.  She was the easiest baby ever and has always been our sweet cuddly snuggler.  Bed times and nap times are the best for soaking in the snuggles and loves.  I am hoping the twos will get a little easier as her strong will and temperament have been a challenge lately!  Lucky for her she is so cute and unlucky for us that half the time we try to discipline her or make that serious face we end up laughing out loud becuase of her sweet funny faces or antics!  Happy Birthday little bug...our Michaela McDoodles...our Doodle-Bop...we love you so very very much!  A year in pictures:

                                                                  November 10, 2010
                                                                    December 2010
                                                                          January 2011
                                                                      February 2011
 March 2011
 April 2011
 May 2011
 June 2011
 July 2011
 August 2011
 September 2011
 October 2011
 and today, November 10, 2011