Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Pepe!!

Today is my grandfather, Pepe's (Aime Francois Hippolit Verhofstadt) birthday. We love you so much and hope you have another great year ahead!! (hope you had a good time at the opera!!)

Embracing your vocation...

Well, I have always heard about having to "embrace" your vocation. Ever since I had Angelica, I truly felt like motherhood was my true vocation. Yes, I enjoyed school and work and all that went along with it, but in my house with my girlies is where I always feel "at home" and truly doing what I love and what I feel I was called to do. Poor Angel got a yucky bug and yesterday spent the day throwing up and with a very high fever...(up to 104 at one point). So she spent the day sleeping (as you can see from pics below) and fighting the bug she had. While it was a tough day for her...it was a tough day for me. This was the first time I have dealt with the really bad sickness like that and with Emma it was a challenge to keep up with it all. (I am so lucky to have my mom and sister close to help out...thanks for coming over!!) However, in the midst of it all and when I was sitting there looking at my two sleeping girls, I realized that this is what motherhood entails...being there through the good and the bad and stretching yourself however thinly to take care of your kids. While I would rather have the good days over the bad, I accept and "embrace" this wonderful vocation of motherhood and earnestly seek all the graces that it has to offer and all the lessons it has to teach!!

Poor baby...

Little Einsteins

The Disney store at the mall is shutting down...and Angel hasn't ever watched the Disney movies yet or know the characters...but she loves the Little Einsteins. So we went in there and for ten bucks were able to get all the characters!! She has been playing with them constantly...even had to bring them to Marmee's house the other night! So funny what kids become attached to...she loves the classical music and the interaction of the show. She can say Annie and June, not very good yet at saying Quincy or Leo, and she calls Rocket, "Pat Pat" becuase on the show that is how you get the rocket to fly!!

Picture time...

Emma had her first professional pics taken last Friday, we wanted to get some with her Baptism gown like we did with Angel. Also needed to update the family photo. Family...you can order from here if you like, but I got some wallets I will be sending out as well. Some cute shots, Angel wasn't too thrilled with the whole thing...and I so wish I was closer to my sister-in-law, Aunt Chelle-Chelle, so that she could take them for us!! Click HERE to view the pics. Sign in name is Erin Hartsell. Enjoy!