Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our first big snow...

Well, today we officially got our first big snow fall. We currently have about 3 inches on the ground. So while we are mostly staying indoors and enjoying the warmth of the fire, we decided to see if Angel liked the snow. She associates snow and anything that looks like winter with Christmas and she spent the day pointing outside and saying "ho-ho-ho". But as you can see from the pictures, she would rather stay in and look at it as she didn't really like it falling on her or trying to touch it....maybe one day!

Thank you Great-Meme

Meme made Emma a beautiful blanket, just like she did for Angelica. It is such a precious gift to have, not only because it is hand made but because it is from their great-grandma and I know they will treasure it forever. Thank you Meme!!