Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Caitlin!!!

My sister, Caitlin, turns 21 today!! Hard to believe....we miss you so much when you are away at school and so glad we at least get to see you quite frequently during the year. You bring us so much happiness and laughter. You have such a generous and caring spirit and I know you always there for us. I hope you have a fun and happy birthday and know that we love you so very much!! (I remember having my birthday fall on Ash Wednesday...hope you celebrated last night...hehe :)) Here are some fun pics throughout your years to look at!

We miss you already Meme and Pepe

My grandparents, Meme and Pepe, came before Emma was baptized and stayed thru my sister's wedding. They had to leave to go back to Florida this Monday. We loved spending time with them and letting the girls get to know their great-grandparents. Pepe made a beautiful bookcase for Angelica and Angel got very good at saying their names. We miss you so much and here are some pics from you visit.....hopefully we can see you again soon!

Aunt Alli loves her girls...

Emma at 2 months...

Emma just had her two month check yesterday (a little late because the last two appointments were cancelled due to snow). She weighed in at 11 pounds 8 ounces (75%), 23 1/4 inches long (75%) and head 41 cm (95%)...must be the smart brains. She is a healthy little girl!!

Our Angel...

Thanks Joanie for this beautiful photo. It was great having you stay with us for the wedding....your visit was WAY TOO SHORT!!! Miss you already. busy!

I know a lot of folks have wondered where I have been. let's just say, it has been a crazy couple of weeks, fun but busy!! After Emma's baptism, my in-laws were here for a week, and my grandparents were here, then my sister Megs came home from NYC. She just got married this past Saturday!! So with all the last minute to do lists, and family and friends coming in and the week of wedding events, we stayed busy!! My two little ones were a bit overwhelmed with all the people and places and irregular schedules. But they are troopers.....however, Angel girl decided that she would get her first boo-boo the week of the wedding.....she crashed and burned over a toy and hit her eye on her chair. The lovely multi-colored bruise blended not so nicely with her pretty blue flower girl dress. oh well. She also now has a low grade fever since Sunday night.....and a horrible runny nose. Hoping it is just a virus and cold and she can get better soon.....not sleeping well because she can't breathe, which means mommy isn't sleeping so well either. Emma had her two month check yesterday and got shots so she isn't very happy right now either.....but hopefully once the kiddies feel better, we can start to get to a new normal around here. I feel like it has been one big roller coaster since Emma was born, so it will be nice to create some sort of schedule again. Sorry to all of those that I haven't got back to yet....I WILL.