Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Tidbits

Happy Thanksgiving. This year we celebrated with just our family at home....nice and quiet and much needed. The above picture is our annual try-to-take-an-automatic Thanksgiving picture. Not bad....we used Emma's monkey by the camera as the focal point. We had never cooked a turkey before....and my hubby got a 23 pounder!! He loves the leftovers and turkey sandwiches. So I used my mom's brine recipe and it soaked all turned out delicious as did the stuffing and gravy and sides! We were quite pleased with ourselves and definitely stuffed!!! The girls enjoyed watching some of the Macys Day Parade and then we had some fun art projects. This year I thought of making turkey puppets for them to play with out of paper plates. So we each did our hand and the girls colored them....I cut out and attached Popsicle sticks to. They love them and we have a book they love called the Five Silly Turkeys...and since we are now a family of five we used our names in the story...see video below!! Then I had them color leafs I printed and we did our annual Thankful Tree...although a bit differently this year. We made a tree on the wall and attached the leaves. Angel was thankful for School (so sweet) and Emma!! Then Emma said she was thankful for Angelica and Blues Clues...made us laugh so hard!!! I save the thankful leaves for each year so we can look back on them later. The girls were not to sure about the whole stuffing the turkey experience and did not really like the big turkey either....Emma kept saying "stinky". Silly girls. Caitlin had made us some place cards this year so THANK YOU...we didn't have to make those. Hard to believe Michaela's "first" holiday has already come and gone!!! We enjoyed looking through pictures of this past year and making our annual Thankful poster which we hang up with the others to look at all year long......Hope you and yours had a great Turkey Day!!

Truly Thankful

I was thinking today how much I truly have to be thankful for. Not just the obvious with a new baby and this time of year...but these past couple of weeks have shown me how blessed I am and how much I do indeed have to be thankful for.
I am blessed and want to say thanks to all the extended family members and friends who have sent cards and gifts for me and new baby, have called to offer congratulations and support, have kept us all in your prayers and shared in our joy with us. We cherish each and every one of year and remember you especially today. Thank you.
To my fellow Martha Ministry members and local friends that have provided us with many many meals. This is such a huge help with a new baby (and also when hubby is working 12 hour shifts) to not even have to think about it, shop for it and cook it! We are enjoying the leftovers and getting some new recipes too!! Thank you!
To all those friends who have stopped by, brought goodies, came over to help in any way (especially the Grays who helped me with watching the big girls and taking me and Michaela to her appointment!) and kept us in your prayers during this time of healing and transition. We are truly blessed with generous, caring and loving friends! Thank you.

Now to some people to whom there are truly no words to express my thanks:

First, to my hubby. Not only are you an amazing support to me and take such concern to make sure I am ok and needs are met during this time...but you are an amazing father. You spent so many days when we first came home taking the big girls out to do special things. Whether it was to the mall to play and get Toys R Us (or We R Toys as Angel called it) to play with the toys there....or to the zoo for a fun did it to help me out so I could relax and heal and be with Michaela...but also because you knew the girls needed that special fun time and how they loved and cherished it. You give more than 100% and amaze me with your patience and willingness to take such a leading role and helping hand in our family! Also, thank you for how hard you have been working at your job. After 9 days of 12 hour shift work with barely any sleep....I am glad you get a break. You were barely awake and home this past week which was hard but you still managed in the time you were to do the girls baths, take out the trash and try to leave me as comfortable and at ease as you could. I am so honored and proud of you and love you so very much! I promise I will one day soon be back to managing our home and daily duties!!! (maybe....:) )

To my sister Caitlin....not only have you been experiencing morning sickness and such with the little one you are expecting...but you have been such a huge support and help to me and the family these past couple of weeks. From staying by my side all through labor and delivery and coaching me just as I had staying with the other girls when I was still in the coming over almost every day to help with the big girls, change diapers, and just be with me. The girls loved going out with you the other day and I have enjoyed your company and help so much. Thank you for helping me with my vendor show too! I am so blessed to have a sister living so close and one who is willing to help out in such a generous way. I only hope that I can contribute and be there for you as much as I can when it is your turn!!! I love you and am so thankful for our friendship.

And to my mama. seems we have come full circle in a way. You started out taking care of me when I was born and unable to do so...and here you have been again, holding my hand and helping me get through these times. You have been here for every step of this pregnancy and birth. From sleeping over to help, making so many meals, making sure I took my meds and kept drinking, helping me with the aches and pains and hormones....helping with my vendor show...doing the shopping, the cleaning etc. You took the big girls every day to your house and they had a blast...they miss you so much. That time alone to rest and spend with Michaela was very needed and special, so thank you. I am so blessed to have you so close and so eager to be here for me and the girls. I hope I don't ever take you and all you do for granted and can be there for you when needed like you have been for me. I love you so much and feel so blessed that my girls get to see so much of you and build that special relationship. I have missed you this week and can't wait to see you again. So on this Thanksgiving, I just want to say thank you for all you always do, have done this past couple of weeks and know that I feel honored and blessed to have you as my mom and friend.

Thank you Lord for my family and friends and each and all the daily blessings you continue to shower upon me, may I never take them for granted.