Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bittersweet life lessons....

These past couple of weeks I have been feeling quite tired with the pregnancy and still nursing Angel, even though it has only been in the mornings and at nights. This last week, I noticed that my milk had dropped dramatically and then turned to colostrum (I guess which is a normal thing for this stage of my pregnancy). My body is already getting ready for the new little one. As I am about to start my third trimester here soon and considering the status of my milk supply, I decided that it was time to truly wean Angel off the nursing habit, which is what I think it is for her more now than anything and for comfort. So this morning was the first time I went without nursing my sweet little girl. I had to distract her when she wanted to nurse and yes, had some good tears over it as well. While I know this is all part of her growing up and me getting ready for another little one, it is hard to "let go" in a sense of such a special bond we have shared these past 16 I think tonight I will still nurse and slowly wean MYSELF off of our special time and routine...

Congrats Captain Caitlin....

Alright sis, although I had to hear the news from mom (you need to call me)...CONGRATS on being nominated one of your college soccer team's Captains this year. You are a true leader and I am so proud of you!!

Cool Dude...

Angel was sporting her hat from Grandmaw H. today...she has started to like hats a bit more. Every time she sees hats now, she sings the Barney Silly Hat song...