Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

(Sorry Mom, Angel LOVES this picture!)
Today is Jason's mom, Mary Hartsell's, birthday. What a year it has been!! Hard to believe that this time last year we were just learning about your breast cancer diagnosis and treatment plans. And now a year later you have successfully made it through surgery, chemo, radiation and nearing the end of your total treatment. I have been so humbled and amazed at your example of acceptance and patience and faith that you have shown through this whole experience. So many of you prayed and participated in the Daily Envelope project I did for her and I know it helped make this year even more manageable! We are so thankful and blessed that you are feeling better and to have you in our lives. I pray and hope that this next year is a healthy, happy and a little less hectic one for you!! Wish we were closer to give our love and hugs...can't wait to see you again. Happy Birthday....go celebrate...you DESERVE it!!!

Congrats Peck Family!

My friend Ellie delivered a healthy, beautiful baby girl this morning at 2:01am. Miriam Thérèse weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces....and I can't wait to meet her and see more pictures. I originally met Ellie through Coffee and Diapers and feel very blessed that we have become friends....just hope they can find a way to move to Bremerton from Whidbey!! Ellie - get rest and talk to you soon!

A Beautiful Post

We met some dear friends when we lived in Virginia Beach, the Cunningham family. I enjoy visiting their blog, Home Sweet Heart, to keep up with them. This past Sunday, Maria had a beautiful post for Fathers Day, Happy Father's Day to my husband, which I just have to share. I have fond memories of Chuck too as he gave me my first REAL job working in the Voter Education Department at Christian Coalition and I learned a lot and have some great memories working for this caring and hard working man. Maria, a beautiful post and a beautiful family!

Never Ending...

Sunday night we were driving home from my parents house and lately our entire car trips are filled with Angelica's never ending WHY questions. She asks WHY all day long...no matter what the response is or how clever we try to be with our answers. While it is fun to watch her little brain in action, I have to admit it gets very TIRING explaining every explanation and then explaining that one and so on. However, I just have to share this conversation as it made me smile and chuckle...it took place between Angelica and Jason. (Angelica also always addresses the person she wants to ask a question of....and instead of continuing on with her questions, waits for you to respond so that she knows she has your attention...)
Angelica: "Papa?"
Jason: "Yes Angelica."
Angelica: "Do cars get boo-boos?"
Jason: "Well, they get broken sometimes and we have to fix them to make them better."
(Jason has been spending a lot of time fixing our cars lately...)
Angelica: "Oh, but you can make them better?"
Jason: "Yes, most of the time I can."
Angelica: "Why most of the time?"
Jason: "Just because." (which we find ourselves saying a lot lately)
Angelica: "Papa..."
Jason: "yes Angelica"
Angelica: "Why do we have two arms and two hands?"
Jason: "Because God made us that way"
Angelica: "Why did God make us that way?"
Jason: "God make us in His image and likeness."
...long pause so we were thinking that satisfied her....
Angelica: "No, Papa...I know why he made us that way"
Jason: "Why?"
Angelica: "Because God thinks we're special!"
Jason: "that's right Angelica." (we both started laughing because this is from the Sandi Patti CD she loves, The Friendship Company....but at least she is listening!) After about a minute we thought that was the end of that conversation...
Angelica: "Papa?"
Jason: "Yes Angelica"
Angelica: "Why does God think we're special?"

...you get the point...never ending...all day long!