Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I think the weather here got very confused a couple weeks ago when it snowed several inches at my parents house!! (Ironically we only live about 15 minutes away and it did not snow at all here!) The girls enjoyed playing in it while it lasted though! Hopefully we will get some next winter and the snowsuits I bought THIS year that never got used might get worn!

Three's a Charm least that is how the saying goes...and that is true for my folks who will welcome three grandbabies in one year!! My sister Megs is pregnant and the new bundle of joy is due November 1st (a great due date!)...little Albert is now a BIG brother!! And I already got to hear his/her heartbeat!

Corporal Works of Mercy

Angelica loved learning the Corporal Works of Mercy and sings the song all the time. Emma well...has caught on too!!

My Little Impatient Baker

Beds are overrated

Lately, Angelica has decided that it is lots of fun to make beds all over the house...using any pillows and blankets she can find. Here she is trying to fool me into thinking she is fast asleep...
And this is when she is supposed to be taking a her bed!


I think they look more alike in this picture...
who do you think Miss Michaela looks like? I think I see her Papa...


And I am talking about the MOVEMENT and not the baby!! (she has been rolling for awhile now but just found the videos!)

Welcome Easter

We finished our Lenten journey...
the girls sacrifices and good deeds made their crosses bloom with flowers
our crown of thorns turned into a crown fit for a King...and they LOVED decorating it!!
and I have been loving my beautiful flowers given to me by my Secret Sister from MOMS group!
Happy Easter!!