Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sand...or Mud Fun

We had two beautiful and warm days here on Monday and the girls played outside a lot!! Last year my parents got them a sandbox-water toy and they are both loving it this year!! It is so funny to watch them....Angelica likes to delicately play and put sand in the flower pots and if her hands get dirty wash them off in the water...Emma loves to dive in to the sandbox up to her armpits and wipe it on her face and throw it everywhere. They both enjoyed dumping more of the sand in the water section and making mud pies more than anything...they get so dirty we have to strip down outside and leave the clothes to dry on the deck! Fun times!!

A Little Sunday Gardening

Last Sunday, Angelica had a BLAST helping Papa plant all the seeds for our garden. This year he paid for a community garden plot....a 10x20 and 10x10 plot. So we are hoping and thinking we will have lots of fresh veggies and flowers this summer!! Angelica loves checking the greenhouse every night to see if the seeds are growing yet and watering them! A little gardener in training!

Babies Babies Everywhere

I have meant to post congrats over these past several weeks for several friends who have had babies....wish I was at that stage!!!
Christina Jones - baby girl, Kelsey Marie
Erin Anderson - baby boy, Isaiah Marcus
Sarah Keller - baby boy, Benjamin Michael
Congrats to all and can't wait to meet the little ones!!