Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Days are Numbered

...since Emma has started crawling...last Friday. And she is getting faster every day!!

Bye Bye Aunt Caitlin

Caitlin left to go back to college this past weekend. We will miss you and can't believe this is your last year. We look forward to watching those Concordia Soccer Games this season. (also, her wedding date is set for August 1, 2009!)

A new addition...

...the potty chair!! We recently (and finally!) went and got the "big girl" potty. Angel has been dragging it to every room with her and getting used to sitting on it. Now that I have the pull ups (and used up all my excuses of a new baby, vacation trips, no potty etc)...I think it is time to start. I believe she is ready and I hope this new adventure and training goes well, really not looking forward to it. Wish me luck and if you have any pointers....PLEASE PASS THEM ON!

Homemade Baby Food

Well, last week was the first time for Emma that I did my BIG homemade baby food day. It is so nice to get this done and have the flexibility of grabbing whatever cube of food I need from the freezer. Not only does this save a ton of money and not having to get overloaded with empty baby food jars, it is healthier with no preservatives and gives you the ability to give small portions at a time and mix all kinds of food combos together. I mostly steam everything, but I did bake the squash and boil the peas. I use THIS website for tips and tricks. I then blend everything and pour the purees in ice cube trays because each cube is about one ounce of food. Then I freeze and put in labeled Ziploc bags. Here is what I was able to make out of everything:
2 sweet potatoes = 30 ounces
1 butternut squash = 38 ounces
1 acorn squash = 13 ounces
6 pears = 26 ounces
4 peaches = 26 ounces
11 carrots = 18 ounces
1/2 bag peas = 25 ounces

Recipes to Share

This is our FAVORITE chicken wing recipe: Cindy's Tasty Wings
I think I have given this recipe before, but here it is again and I added about 2 cups of lentils last time and it was EVEN BETTER and really filled out the flavor and soup: Italian Vegetable Soup
And I tried these for dessert the other day...click on picture for recipe. They were yummy, although I think made mine too big so they were not as chewy and that is why I had a lot of filling leftover as well. Will just have to try again!!