Thursday, February 28, 2008

Daddy time

Today is such a gorgeous day here that Daddy decided it was time to get the jogging stroller out again and start running. Angel lucks out because this means a trip to the park!! (gives Daddy a breather break between the runs as well!)

Chubby love...

Really starting to enjoy the bath, think we might "graduate" her to the tub soon!

Yummy Hands...

Some sweet pics of Emma trying to get her hands in her mouth...I think she is finally realizing she can control them!! (thanks Aunt Megs for the cool blue outfit)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lessons in Vocabulary...

Angel is quite the talker these days. In January, she decided to start putting words together. Her first sentence was, "I see Mama." Some of her favorite phrases are: cold hands, Hello Emma, eat now, sit down, and Bye Bye ____. I am always amazed at how much she can already say, even if sometimes mommy and daddy have to interpret for other people. She does have some funny words for things: she says "smooth baby" for lotion (probably because every time Papa puts lotion on after her bath he has always said smoooooth baby). She used to call Aunt Alli "La La" and Caitlin right now is "Tait-tin". She calls Jesus "Je-Je" and "yut" is yuck. Lots of fun to watch her little mind engaging...and well, such a huge difference from Emma who is just learning to gurgle and coo.

Attention Catholics...especially the Irish ones...

One of my favorite magazines is Faith & Family....when I receive an issue, I don't hesitate to read it from cover to cover. In this past issue, I came upon some interesting information that I hadn't heard yet for this Lent. This year, both St. Patrick's Day and St. Joseph's Day fall during Holy week, because Easter is so early this year. Holy Week has precedence over all other liturgical celebrations. So...the Holy See has granted permission to move the celebrations for both of these popular and special days for the entire Church to Saturday, March 15th. So plan a huge party and celebrate!!

Recipe to Share...

From my new cookbook...Taco Soup. My hubby likes this more than regular tacos!!

Monday, February 25, 2008


I just read this article by Peggy Noonan...and it definetly got me thinking about some things, thought you might enjoy the read...

A movie!!

Last night, we got Angel down to bed early and Emma was actually sleeping too, so my husband and I decided that maybe we would finally try to watch a movie...and we did!! We watched it from start to finish with no interruptions or days between!! It was an awesome movie too...check it out and make sure you watch the special feature parts, you learn a lot about the story and the movie itself. Definetly recommened: Pursuit of Happyness
(who would have thought we would be so excited and enjoy watching a simple movie together at home several years ago and consider it a good date?) Although, when we think of it, there really isn't any other place we would want to be.

Birthday Fun

Today is my birthday and this past weekend my sister Caitlin drove up from college and we celebrated both of our birthdays together. (hers was the 6th). Mom made the lumpia meal, I shared a drink with my sis, and we had cake and pie!! Caitlin's boyfriend Casey and his parents helped us celebrate as well. Caitlin and I enjoyed it so much we might celebrate our birthdays together more are some pics from the weekend...and some of the special things I received. (click on to see)
I finally got my double griddle
the fun, Cook Once, Eat Twice book
the Deceptively Delicious book
and this SPECIAL book Caitlin made me...I usually make them for others so it was so nice to finally receive one and it is so neat!!
Click HERE to see

Friday, February 22, 2008


Click HERE, to see the shutterfly album of Meghan's wedding pics that the photographer took. They are so good...thanks Ellie!!!

Recipes from Baptism Party... they are FINALLY...sorry! (click on name)

Lil' Citrus Muffins
Williamsburg Bread (one my mother-in-law made...yummy!)
Cherry Swirl Coffee Cake (this one went FAST!!)
Lemon Tea Mini Muffins
Berry Cream Muffins
Almond Apricot Coffee Cake (this was so GOOD and very pretty!)

Recipes to Share I am slowly getting some recipes people have been asking for posted...will put up the others that I made from Emma's baptism party later...(click on name to see and print out)

DELICIOUS Double Chocolate Crisp Cookies (they are crispy!!)

Yummy Cream of Wild Rice Soup (good for Lent and you can also add chicken to it if you want some meat)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Veggie Tales

Grammy and Grandpa got Angel this Veggie Tale book and CD and she loves it!! Meme would dance with her when the fast chorus would come on and ever since, Angel gets animated when she hears it...gotta love the hand motions!

I know my colors!

Swing time...

...Daddy started a fun thing with his blanket and now Angel won't let him stop. As you can hear, Emma wasn't too happy...maybe it is because she was still in her car seat...but when a baby is sleeping....let her sleep!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Three Months Old

-you laugh with your whole body right now and are trying so hard to make noises
-you get worried if you cannot see us
-you have bright big blue eyes that sparkle
-you love the moby wrap and starting to like the bouncy seat
-you have already brought so much love and joy to our lives....

Frenulum laceration

Frenulum laceration (click on only if you want to see what poor Angel's boo boo really looks like...and learn about this apparently easy spot a lot of youngsters hurt).... Yes this is the technical word for Angel's latest injury. NO JOKE!! Just a few days after the "running into the corner of the wall" incident and busting open the lip...on Monday she fell off her play chair and as I was consoling her I noticed blood all over me. Poor baby had split open her frenulum and IT BLED!! Kind of scared me for awhile, but after lots of ice and pressure...(we even let her play in the warm bath tub for awhile so not to drip blood everywhere and eat ice chips) stopped bleeding. Poor thing bumps it a couple times during the day which causes it to bleed again...and I thought little girls weren't supposed to have all this injury stuff!! So we are holding our breath and hoping we can go at least ONE week without another fun boo boo...she sure is racking up the record this month!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Opening gifts and honeymoon...

Sunday, we had a family day at my parents house so that they could open their gifts and visit with everyone....then they were off to their incredible honeymoon in Grenada!!

Party time...the reception

Was held at Olympic Lodge at the Puget Sound Naval times!! If I can figure out how to get my video camera footage on the computer, I will try and post the toasts as well...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's a toe thing...

Angel's new past time involves taking off her socks several times a day to make sure every little piece of sock fuzz is picked out and off her least she likes to keep herself clean!

Just Joking...

Well, I was joking the other day when I posted that maybe...just maybe...we were on the mends and headed back to some quiet normal times. Poor Angel has been not sleeping well becuase of her cough at she has been sleeping with mommy. We are hoping some of the Robitussin the doc said to take tonight will give her a restful least that is what we were hoping before she decided to crash and burn into the corner of a wall. Poor baby busted her lip....we were worried by the bleeding that we may have to take her in to the hospital or have a hurt tooth....but it looks like she just burst the lip open some. After lots of ice chips and chewing on ice in one of THESE which worked out really well...the bleeding stopped and the swelling went down quite a bit. She has a big bruised upper lip and a red mark where she made contact with the wall on her face, but I am hoping she can MAYBE still get some sleep her own bed!! We will let you know. It is amazing that we go 22 months will no more than a sniffle, and within two weeks have managed to have a black and blue eye...a cold...and ear infection...and now a busted big lip!! Dare I wonder what tomorrow brings??

Just like Mommy

True Love....

...isn't the beautiful pink roses I love to receive......isn't the delicious chocolate I always love to eat......isn't even the BIG coffee my hubby knew I needed today......but true love IS when your hubby walks in the door to an exhausted, sleep deprived woman in her house clothes, wearing a moby wrap with spit up on one shoulder and runny nose goobers on another and says "I love you beautiful wife." To me that is better than any flowers, chocolates or coffee could ever mean...Happy Valentines Day Honey, I love you too!!


Today was definetly a MOBY day as I call them...whenever Emma isn't content enough for me to get things done, I put her in the wonderful MOBY WRAP and she goes to sleep. Today she was in there for hours and I can't believe I never had one of these with Angelica I use it so much...and now as you can see, so does Angel. She likes to bring it to me whenever Emma is fussing now, she realizes that is how she can get peace and quiet around here....might actually have to get her one of THESE!! (click on it)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


My sister got married...Proud Daddy...
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sturhahn!

More pics from the wedding. Meghan got married at Star of the Sea Church in Bremerton on Saturday, February 2 at 12 noon. Father Cihak was the celebrant.

Ready to go...

Saturday morning, February 2, at 430 AM the girls all went to the hair salon to get their up-dos and have the bride get her make-up on....they all looked beautiful and they were so thankful it hadn't snowed!! They were ready to go and the gorgeous limo took them to the church!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

First round of pics...

Ok, so I am slowly getting pics organized from my sister Meg's wedding and events. Here are the pics, some getting all the favors ready, getting the GORGEOUS lillies delivered...the rehearsal and dinner, the fun ladies day at the spa salon for manicures and pedicures, food & bubbly....Friday night pizza dinner at the little clubhouse by my parents house, and the bridesmaids all putting their hair in rags and getting the dresses ready....

Good sign...

Well, after a long weekend...I ended up getting a fever and horrible sore throat...went to the doctor to find out I had nothing, just something viral. But today am feeling much better....and Angel took her usual two and a half hour nap for the first time in over a week!! It was wonderful!! So hopefully this is a sign that she is feeling better, that maybe she will sleep tonight in her own bed and that the sicky tides are turning!!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

First "legal" drink....

My sister Caitlin finally was able to sit in the "adult" section of Applebees and ordered her first legal drink....I think she enjoyed it!! However, after trying a couple shots, I think she has decided to stick to the fruity drinks you sis!

Too much of a good thing....

So I have definetly realized that as wonderful as the past month has been with all kinds of family and friends visiting and the fun events we have been participating in with wedding plans etc, that when you have two girlies under the age of two departing from their schedule is NOT a good thing. It has really been a roller coaster since Emma was born. We had the holidays and trying to adjust to two kids and a new little baby...then we had bridal shower and company...then Emma's baptism and more company...then all the wedding festivities. Thursday night at the rehearsal dinner I should have seen Angel's motor starting to run down. She woke up that night several times which she barely ever does anymore....and along with her nice little blue-purple eye from a fall, her eyes were looking so tired and run down. Saturday morning at the church getting ready she only wanted mommy and was so fussy....I should have known she wasn't feeling good...but just thought she was only tired and overwhelmed. You can tell from the wedding pictures that the poor kid was NOT herself. So Sunday night when we finally came home, I took her temperature and she had a fever....this continued all week with a BAD runny nose. At least she is good at letting us suction the yuckies out. But the severe cold made it hard for her to breathe so she was "sleeping" with mommy a lot in bed and would not go down for her naps which she usually does for 2-3 hours. (Man, how I have realized how much those nap times make a big difference for mommy as well!) Friday I finally took her in to the doctor becasue things were nto getting better....and the cold had caused an ear infection. Poor baby, but she wasn't even acting like her ear hurt. The doctor was amazed that she hadn't been into the doctor's yet (which he realized shortly because she screamed thru the whole visit)...and said being around so many people probably caused the cold which then turned into the ear infection, but luckily we got it before it got too bad. So she started medicine and I am hoping maybe SOON will be able to get some sleep by herself!! Luckily, Emma has been just fine so far...I am sure nursing helps wtih that though too. So while I thought this week would be a week to get back to "normal" and rest up some....I am hoping beyond hope that this next week might bring us some relief...these are definetly times I am grateful to be Catholic and I can try and offer up all these little "sufferings"....

(I will try and get wedding pics up soon....)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Caitlin!!!

My sister, Caitlin, turns 21 today!! Hard to believe....we miss you so much when you are away at school and so glad we at least get to see you quite frequently during the year. You bring us so much happiness and laughter. You have such a generous and caring spirit and I know you always there for us. I hope you have a fun and happy birthday and know that we love you so very much!! (I remember having my birthday fall on Ash Wednesday...hope you celebrated last night...hehe :)) Here are some fun pics throughout your years to look at!

We miss you already Meme and Pepe

My grandparents, Meme and Pepe, came before Emma was baptized and stayed thru my sister's wedding. They had to leave to go back to Florida this Monday. We loved spending time with them and letting the girls get to know their great-grandparents. Pepe made a beautiful bookcase for Angelica and Angel got very good at saying their names. We miss you so much and here are some pics from you visit.....hopefully we can see you again soon!

Aunt Alli loves her girls...

Emma at 2 months...

Emma just had her two month check yesterday (a little late because the last two appointments were cancelled due to snow). She weighed in at 11 pounds 8 ounces (75%), 23 1/4 inches long (75%) and head 41 cm (95%)...must be the smart brains. She is a healthy little girl!!

Our Angel...

Thanks Joanie for this beautiful photo. It was great having you stay with us for the wedding....your visit was WAY TOO SHORT!!! Miss you already. busy!

I know a lot of folks have wondered where I have been. let's just say, it has been a crazy couple of weeks, fun but busy!! After Emma's baptism, my in-laws were here for a week, and my grandparents were here, then my sister Megs came home from NYC. She just got married this past Saturday!! So with all the last minute to do lists, and family and friends coming in and the week of wedding events, we stayed busy!! My two little ones were a bit overwhelmed with all the people and places and irregular schedules. But they are troopers.....however, Angel girl decided that she would get her first boo-boo the week of the wedding.....she crashed and burned over a toy and hit her eye on her chair. The lovely multi-colored bruise blended not so nicely with her pretty blue flower girl dress. oh well. She also now has a low grade fever since Sunday night.....and a horrible runny nose. Hoping it is just a virus and cold and she can get better soon.....not sleeping well because she can't breathe, which means mommy isn't sleeping so well either. Emma had her two month check yesterday and got shots so she isn't very happy right now either.....but hopefully once the kiddies feel better, we can start to get to a new normal around here. I feel like it has been one big roller coaster since Emma was born, so it will be nice to create some sort of schedule again. Sorry to all of those that I haven't got back to yet....I WILL.