Thursday, June 11, 2009

Small Successes

I have been wanting to do this for awhile now, so here is my first contribution: (you list three sucesses no matter how small that you feel you reached each week)

1) Had my 18 week OB appointment, heard a healthy heart beat of 150 and scheduled the big ultrasound for Friday, June 26th. Thanks for the prayers and please keep them coming!

2) Did a major grocery know the kind when you wait forever for stuff and then realize you need thanks to my sisters for watching the kids and allowing me to get this done! (My hubby thanks you as well!)

3) Have gotten caught up on a lot of picture organization. I backup pictures on CDs from Costco (like negatives today) and then print of thumbnail versions and label CDs and papers with numbers so I can always find pictures easily. Will have to take pics to explain better....but this has helped a lot with digital pictures to always find the ones you need and keep it all organized. Now to finish my albums and scrapbooks....and trying to think of a neat way to organize some pics for the kiddies to take with them one day...any ideas? Also managed to clean and organize the entire pantry and video cabinet!