Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day Six

Today Mom took off, so we had a nice breakfast together. She and Angel cooked bacon and pancakes!!! Then we went to a couple stores she wanted to show me, and of course found some fun things to get! We then stopped at a STARBUCKS and got our coffee fix for the day. Angel was having fun wearing her sunglasses and hat and saying "Cool!" When she does it, she points her finger in the cute! Then we met Ann, Lexi and Olivia at the Richmond Metro Zoo. It was very nice and we saw LOTS of animals. Luckily, Angel wasn't scared and really liked the monkeys and the ducks. There was a giraffe there that you could feed and it puts its tongue all over you....but she was scared about that. Mom and Lexi and Olivia fed it though. It was about 80 degrees or more, so it was hot walking around (especially when you are carrying a baby in a front pack). I think the pollen here is really getting to me too, because ever since we landed in Richmond my throat and nose have been bothering me a lot!! Grammy bought treats and toys for the girls when we were done and we headed home, all a little tired and hot. For dinner tonight Mom just got this neat cooking grill rack that you put in the middle of a table and cook the food in front of you. We did red pepper, shrimp, beef, scallops, asparagus and mushrooms.....very yummy. She seasoned them and such the night before. Underneath it you melt different cheeses to put on and different to do....we were all STUFFED!! Angel of course played outside some and in the boat with Grandpa and Mom and I went to Kohls so she could get some birthday gifts for Angel. Now we all hope we have a good night sleep!! (Check out the slide show for some neat pics of the animals....we got some good ones!! And too many good ones of the day to show here)

Day Five

Today we went in search of a coffee place in the morning and finally found one, but didn't compare to our WA favorites! Then we stopped by a store for a few items we needed and also picked up some Chick-Fil-A for lunch!!! I love that place and wish we could get them on the west coast. Then we went to Nannie's house again and the girls finally got to meet Grandmaw!! Aunt Chelle-Chelle (Michelle, Jason's sister) also came by to meet them. After visiting, Aunt Chelle-Chelle took Angelica with her to go pick up September from school. Then we met them at Kohls and Chelle-Chelle bought the girls some adorable outfits - thanks so much!! We headed back to the house and Angel played outside some, looking for the squirrels at the feeder. She and daddy and Grandpa went for a walk. Mom made a delicious pesto chicken dish (yes I will bring home recipes). Afterwards Angel ate more peanuts and played in the boat with Grandpa and then he gave her a fun bubble bath in the Big Tub. She loved it although did not want the jets on!! Having lots of fun and can't believe our trip here is halfway over!!