Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kissin Cousins

She is one excited big cousin and loves holding babies
she said she wants another baby
Emma loves "her" baby Taylor

Michaela is not sure
Taylor is unsure
hey!! she makes loud noises!
Gotta love those slobbery kisses

Taylor Jean

Well, for those of you who have NOT heard....my sister Caitlin had her beautiful baby girl on June 12th at 940am. Taylor Jean weighed in at 6 lbs 14 ounces and 19.5 inches long and dark hair. The Sullivans are all adjusting nicely as a family. I was glad to be there for the birth and really enjoy it from this end!! Enjoy the pics!

The Step

We have a small step from our kitchen area into our family room. Once the kids start crawling they immediately start to try and master this step. Michaela learned how to crawl up it in one day and then the following day crawled down!! Usually it took several face plants and roll offs to get it, but she mastered it quickly! These pics were taken as she was discovering the step....could also be used as a teether apparently!

Hand me downs

Since we have three girls....Michaela ends up wearing most of the same clothes her two big sisters have worn. We LOVE hand me downs. I took this picture the other day and it reminded me of a picture take two years ago with Angelica and Emma in them!!
Angelica and Emma
Emma and Michaela

First Warm Day

On the first warm day of the summer, I broke out several pools. Of course, the little splash pad for Michaela ended up being the biggest hit with the older two as well!

Pretty in Pink

Babble Beginnings

This was taken a couple weeks ago when Michaela really started to babble. She can now say, mama, papa, da-da, and bu-bye or ba-ba for baby. Will have to try and catch those one day!

Aunt Alli Copycat

Angelica loves her Aunt Alli and often says "I want to be like Aunt Alli one day to do this...." She especially loves playing piano with her and singing songs. So one day Alli was practicing and Angelica stood right along side her and pretended to be practicing as well....

Lovin the big girl tub

It is getting a bit crowded!

Monday, July 12, 2010

First Hair Cut

A few weeks ago I gave Michaela her first hair cut!! She was born with a head full of hair and then ended up losing most of it. However, she had some very long strands around her ear and the part on top that never fell out....so it was a much needed trim! She did very well and looked cute as a button! Crazy though because I never had to give a first hair cut until well past one year with the other girls!!

Totally Emma

Northwest Sunset

Tea for Two

Our budding poet

Angelica LOVES to memorize anything, but especially has been enjoying poems. We have a prayer bible of poems we read before bed every night and when we come across a fun one, we memorize a stanza at a time. Enjoy!

First Foods

So my goal with the babes...is always to go 6 months with exclusive breast feeding. Then after that I shoot for at least one year of nursing but with introducing foods. The two big girls went 15-16 months nursing and only stopped because I was pregnant and my milk production stopped. I always find it very bittersweet for me as I start the babes on food. It is as if they are not completely dependent on me anymore and makes me a bit sad. On the other hand, Michaela is LOVING her food and so far is a VERY good eater. She is currently loving cherries, peaches, avocado, yogurt, applesauce, and bananas. Really everything that we try with her. She gets very excited and demands it! But here are some pics and video of her first food.....some rice cereal on June 2nd! Where did my baby go??

Jumper Fun

And I wonder why she always likes to bounce and jump while we are trying to hold her??

Thank Aunty Megs

we always LOVE our Hanna outfits!

Whatever Works

Thanks to my friend Jenny, we bought a used couch for $50 a couple months ago....hopefully to be in a play room one day. It is the perfect size for reading books on and as you can see.....many other fun uses. The girls were so excited about it, the first day they spent HOURS playing on it!


It has been so fun watching Angelica get better and better with learning and playing games. She used to take FOREVER to finish or figure out one puzzle. Now, she can put all three of these together in less than 10 minutes!! And she wants MORE...starting on the smaller piece ones now! She loves the puzzle blocks too where you turn each piece to make different pictures!

I can do it myself!!

For barely ever having a bottle, she figured out how to use one when she has to really fast!

Thanks Joanie

We LOVE the big and little sister shirts...although the Little Sister doesn't seem so little anymore!


For the past three+ years we have been living (renting) a house in the court where I grew up as a child...and that my best friend growing up lived in. It was weird moving in and seeing all the rooms that I used to play in and now watch my kids play in. My friend Sarah also has a little girl and our kids are now friends (Even more weird!). One day in May we had Abby over and the girls had a blast eating a picnic dinner on the front porch and watching a movie together....a totally like mother-like daughters moment....I want to find some pics of Sarah and I doing the same thing and post them together one day! They definitely had a lot of fun!


To all our family members who have texted, called and emailed with reminders of updating this blog.....apologies!!! I cannot believe it has been almost TWO months since I posted. Life took a hold and we just got BUSY! But get prepared for lots of back logged updates headed your way...if I can find the time to do it! I know this is a way for you to feel connected especially when so much distance separates us...so I hope to get some updates up soon! Miss and love you!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Taylor, the Latte Boy

Alli recently performed at a Ballet Recital, singing Taylor the Latte Boy....very cute and funny song and she sings it beautifully....check it out...

The girls LOVE this song....last weekend I played it for them and they literally spent an HOUR watching and studying her and trying to learn the song...so cute.

Zoo Days

We have really been enjoying our ZOO Membership (thanks sisters) this year already. One day last week it was so nice outside....and within minutes of waking up the girls wanted to go outside and play. I quickly realized we needed to go DO something, so off to the zoo we went. The other nice thing about having a membership is you can splurge a bit on treats like ice cream cones before we go!!

Preschool - Letters K & Q

We really enjoyed K & Q week. The kids are getting faster and faster with their letter formations and doing the Handwriting Without Tears worksheets very well.
I found some cute little crowns and jewels and had them decorate them for kings and queens.
For K, I bought some Kix cereal, made a K with glue and had them stick the Kix on....they LOVED this. So easy!
For Q, we did some Q-tip painting...
...and made a Q-tip Dandelion.

Then it was cheese Quesadillas and Crustless Spinach and Mushroom Quiche (SO GOOD) for lunch, along with Kiwis and Kit-Kats for dessert!