Friday, October 16, 2009

Summer Plans

What will you be doing in June? I will hopefully be able to witness the birth of a niece or nephew. Yes, that's right....Caitlin and Casey are expecting Baby Sullivan we think some time that month! We are excited and it will be fun having a cousin so close. Hoping Caitlin doesn't get the horrible sick genes I got but has a non-sick pregnancy like my other sis. We will keep you posted on the news. Caitlin, keep sucking those mints, getting rest and fulfill those cravings!

Baby Hartsell Site

We did a baby website with the other two girls and really enjoyed it. It was a fun way to keep all the baby pics, updates, and information together and have people leave them messages. Usually after the first few months and baptism days, I close the site and get an archival CD made. This CD then goes into their baby books as a special keepsake. I brought them out the other day and really enjoyed reading everything and looking back at all the comments and pictures. I know they will treasure these one day as well. So.....we have set up Baby Hartsell's new site and I will keep a link to it on the sidebar. Please take a look and leave her some messages...we will keep it updated and hopefully have some big news to share soon!!

New Phases of Motherhood

Well, I have been holding my breath for the scary experiences and phase of motherhood to start occurring....the one of having to deal with major injuries. Our little Emma Bemma Boo has always been an active one. Her nickname has been Monkey-Do....mostly because she does everything her big sister does but also because she is our little fear and loves to climb. The other night we had a few errands to get done and went to the mall. The girls went to the little play place and in a matter of minutes Emma fell onto her left arm and just started screaming. There were no immediate signs of broken bones or swelling, bruising or anything. But over the next couple of hours she kept complaining about it, wouldn't use it to pick anything up or bear weight on. So of course the local Urgent Cares were all closed so I decided to wait it out until the morning. Well, she was up from 1am-5am just crying and not wanting to sleep and saying her arm hurt and wanted to go to the doctors!! So yesterday morning we went to the pediatrician who after examining her said she didn't think anything was broken or at this point needing an x-ray. She diagnosed it as Nursemaid's Elbow which I guess can be pretty common in toddlers. After a slight manipulation she thinks she fixed it. Emma did start using it more than she had been so I am hopeful that that was it! But still last night and today when I get her dressed or if she falls or certain movements, she will grab her wrist/hand area and say owie. So....while it is better and at least she can sleep etc....I may take her in to have an x-ray just to be sure nothing else is going on. Please say a prayer that it is just sore and on the mend and we are in no need of cast, sling etc.....would be an interesting time with a newborn on the way!


I have not been one to thoroughly enjoy being pregnant. Never feel like I have "that glow" or the "cute baby bump" etc. After the first trimester, I am always just excited not be so nauseated and get back to some sense of "normal" that doesn't involve craving for everything unhealthy, wanting to be close to a toilet, or dreading things like opening the refrigerator, taking in surrounding smells or just being vertical. During the second trimester, I usually have a pretty good experience but then the anxieties of getting ready, changing routines, finding clothes to fit etc all start to set in. Once I get to this third trimester and last several weeks, I AM JUST READY. I start to waddle and puff up. I get stuck on the couch and feel like I need a push to get up. This baby is so active I feel like I am getting bruised by her kicks and movements. I have horrible heartburn/acid reflux and am tired of taking Zantac. I need a step stool to wash dishes as my belly is too big to stand in front of sink and reach the faucet, I have no lap left for the other girls to enjoy and I find myself crying at silly commercials and stories. Plus the anxieties of how will labor and delivery go, will the baby be healthy etc all start to set in.

But then I remember the sweet and miraculous moment of that newborn being placed in my arms....I remember the first time I nurse them, the first smells of their sweet skin...seeing all the love and joy they bring to our family....and somehow the past nine months seem so distant and worth the journey. It is amazing as a mother how your emotions and body go through such incredible changes and then in one instant can all be put into perspective and make you want to do it all over again.....ok well maybe not that day or month....but eventually!!

So please keep prayers coming that we make it through these last couple of weeks with a positive attitude and joyful anticipation. I go Monday for my first check and hopefully things are progressing and on the move!! While I am ready for these "joys" of pregnancy to be over, I am more READY to hold this new little girl in my arms!!