Thursday, May 29, 2008

Interesting reads....

Usually I post things I find of interest on my sidebar if you want to read them, but these were very interesting....

As a former homeschooler....I say "how rude!" read THIS
Well said, HERE
So true, HERE
THIS is a beautiful article and so important to remember the morals behind the decisions....thanks Mary for sharing.

Angel's 2 year pics

Just click HERE and the customer name is, Erin Hartsell. Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Thanks Joanie...

...for the cute shirt!! She "loves" it!

Memorial Day

We had a nice Memorial Day at my folks house just spending time together. (After a trip to the mall to get a new cell phone because mine completely crashed and I lost everything!) We tried a new Strawberry Spinach Salad, and I made a new festive dessert and popcorn treat, click on pics for recipe. Emma also tried her first rice cereal!! Although, I think she got more on the bib and her face than in her tummy. We shall see how it goes...although Mama is in no hurry!! :) We also remembered all the brave men and women that have served our country (especially my grandpas, my daddy and my hubby) and all those that have lost their lives, especially Joel Lewis and recently a man here at our base that I briefly worked with when I was in Protocol, LT Jeff Ammon-who died in Afghanistan last week. He leaves a wife and two sons. We must remember that our freedom has never been "free". May God protect all of our soldiers today and everyday.

Wave Your Flag Cheesecake
Sweet 'n' Salty Popcorn (I like better than kettle corn)

(sorry hon, didn't have any scanned of you in your flight suit!!)

Where did my baby go??

Counting her pennies already...

She loves putting money in her "ducky" bank...and was very excited becuase Poppy gave her a dollar!! Might have to take a loan one day!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dinner at the Park

Last night we all went to Evergreen Park by the water and had dinner there. The weather was perfect, although it did get a tad breezy and chilly by the water. Caitlin came with us and we all enjoyed relaxing, talking, eating and of course lots of playing!! Angel was in heaven with the kite, basketball, the playground and throwing rocks in the water. Looking forward to many more nights like this as the weather continues to stay nice.
Learning to fly the kite

Chilling with Aunt Caitlin

Making a slam dunk
Emma and Papa
Giving Mama a kiss
Silly Aunt Caitlin and Angelica
Throwing rocks
Tired baby...and I mean Emma

Pepe update

Pepe successfully had the pacemaker put in and so far things are going smoothly. He is feeling a bit better and if his blood work comes back alright today they will let him go home!! Thanks for all the prayers!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Prayers PLEASE!

Well, unfortunately my Pepe is back in the hospital today. His blood work still has not been back to normal ranges and they gave him two transfusions today. He was also feeling very weak and just not how he should be at this point after the surgery. They did an EKG and ultrasound of his lungs. He has some fluid there and needs to do a breathing exercise every hour to help prevent pneumonia from settling in. Poor guy has a bad cough because of it. Then his heart rate was dipping way too low and irregular, so tomorrow morning his surgeon is going to be putting a pacemaker in. So please keep the prayers going for this procedure and the recovery afterwards and his continued healing from this experience. We can't wait until he is his perky, animated and energetic self again!! Also prayers for Meme as she worries and takes care of him. We love you both and wish we could just blink ourselves your way!! Miss and love you!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Six Months!!

Stats Are:
27.5 inches (100%) - might get Daddy's height
16 lbs 7 ounces (75%)
funny...Angel was two inches shorter and almost two pounds heavier at this age...amazing how different they can be!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Fun times....

Saturday we went to a wedding of a soccer friend of Caitlin's, Sparky (as we all call her). Caitlin was in the wedding and looked beautiful. Angelica was really tempted by a big candy table they had there and Casey became her best friend when he started giving her gummy bears. Angel even tried to steal the show by dancing on the dance floor and with her Aunt Caitlin.

Sharing our flower basket...

We found out yesterday that we are going to have to share our hanging flower basket with this little friend and her four little least for awhile.

Pepe's progress

Well, hard to believe that Pepe waited around for surgery...

...had a successful surgery and started recovery...

...slowly started to get rid of all the tubes and monitors...
...starting walking and getting more active...
...and finally came HOME!! (on Saturday)
Please continue to pray for his recovery over these next several weeks. He will be having a nurse and PT stopping by daily to help with tasks and check up on him. They are watching his blood work which still wasn't back to normal ranges and also keeping an eye on his lung...they are hoping it isn't showing signs of please keep the prayers coming. We love you Pepe....and hope you enjoyed your pictures....hehe. Finally figured out how to get them off my cell phone.

Forget the toys...

...just play with Mama's shoes...although these flip flops are hard to put on!!


We took Angel into Prompt Care yesterday mostly because her cough has been so bad she wasn't getting any relief or we found out she has an ear infection. Poor kid....I guess between the viral diagnosis at the ER the other night and Sunday she got the ear infection, but other than being tired and coughing you would never know she is sick. So hopefully now things will clear up really fast. We got the doctor's recommended Vicks vaporizer and I think that really cleared things up for her to sleep! Now Emma is coughing and has red watery eyes so I think it is allergies....but at least she has her 6th month check tomorrow morning so I will wait until times!! The roof of my mouth has been itching and my throat sore too so I think something is in the air and blooming!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

First ER trip

Well, Angel has added another "first" to her list: a trip to the ER. On Wednesday when she woke up from her nap we noticed she was very hot...and had a fever. After some Tylenol and several hours the fever was gone. She was acting like nothing was bothering her...later that night however the fever was back up. At 230 in the morning I took her temp and it was over 105!! My heart was racing, talk about scary!! (the parts of motherhood that get me frightened!!) So we gave her some Tylenol and Jason took her to the ER right away. When they took it there it was down to 103.8. After get thoroughly checked out by the doc, they sent us home with the news that it is "nothing" just a virus. Ugh. She has been in good spirits and had the doc laughing!! So the last couple of days have been of little sleep, and trying to get the girlies (Emma has a low grade fever, although think hers might be a cold and teething) feeling better. Of course, now the noses are runny and coughs are happening so sleeping is challenging. Luckily Angel loves taking her temperature and her medicine and has been enjoying eating snow cones for the ice...she is also cutting in her two year molars right now!! Poor baby. Hard to tell with the little ones, what is teething, allergies, colds etc. All the things I am slowly learning as a mother...and how scary they can be!! is nice having a certified EMT for a hubby!! Hoping everyone else is staying healthy!! (and enjoying this HOT weather!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mothers Day on Sunday. We went to mass and my mom and I were given beautiful corsages. Then we went to Mamasan's grave and put flowers there and told her how much we missed her and loved her. Angel was very proud of herself for putting all the flowers in. Then we went to my mom's house and had a yummy breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs, donuts and mimosas!! (made by Caitlin and Jason) The girls went down for a nap and we opened some beautiful gifts and then went to see PopPop. Jason and Caitlin cooked a yummy dinner and I made a delicious dessert...a recipe I got back home in VA from my mother-in-law, called Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwich Dessert. It was a very relaxing day spent with our kiddies and family members and just enjoying being together (and being spoiled!!).
smelling the corsage flowers
looking at the wedding book Megs did
including Poppy at dinner by putting up a picture