Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Three Months Old

-you laugh with your whole body right now and are trying so hard to make noises
-you get worried if you cannot see us
-you have bright big blue eyes that sparkle
-you love the moby wrap and starting to like the bouncy seat
-you have already brought so much love and joy to our lives....

Frenulum laceration

Frenulum laceration (click on only if you want to see what poor Angel's boo boo really looks like...and learn about this apparently easy spot a lot of youngsters hurt).... Yes this is the technical word for Angel's latest injury. NO JOKE!! Just a few days after the "running into the corner of the wall" incident and busting open the lip...on Monday she fell off her play chair and as I was consoling her I noticed blood all over me. Poor baby had split open her frenulum and IT BLED!! Kind of scared me for awhile, but after lots of ice and pressure...(we even let her play in the warm bath tub for awhile so not to drip blood everywhere and eat ice chips) stopped bleeding. Poor thing bumps it a couple times during the day which causes it to bleed again...and I thought little girls weren't supposed to have all this injury stuff!! So we are holding our breath and hoping we can go at least ONE week without another fun boo boo...she sure is racking up the record this month!