Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prayers Continued

PopPop Update:
Today has not been a great day. PopPop has been in pain with his arm and also not eating or drinking much of anything. He has some severe bowel impaction and also spiked a fever for a bit. He started having difficulty breathing and sounded very gurgly for awhile so they gave him some oxygen. I joined my mom at the hospital for a couple hours tonight and the doctor happened to be there. He was worried about pneumonia, so said not to give him anything to eat and drink for awhile...and also ordered him to sit up for a bit. Mom and I kept trying to get him to cough, and poor guy still had a sense of humor when he could manage to stay awake and respond now and then. He had an x-ray of his lungs taken and before I left we found out that he had not aspirated, which is good for the pneumonia worry, but just has some fluid in the lungs. So....we are waiting to see if we will be able to get him into surgery tomorrow for his arm or not....his kidneys and blood work was better so we are hoping we can get the arm fixed. Please keep the prayers coming, it is so hard to watch him in pain and struggling with breathing and such. Also please pray for my mom as she handles his care and needs strength, both physical and emotional, to get through these next few weeks.

Yesterday we also got a phone call that Jason's grandmother, Nannie (Louise Bentley) in VA, was admitted to the hospital on Saturday. She was having chest pains and found out that her blood had gotten to thick so her heart was working too hard. However, the hospital gave her too many blood thinners, which then caused her to start bleeding out of her nose PROFUSELY and her wrist where they had pricker her etc. It was so bad they had to admit her and pack her nose and change her sheets several times a day. Today her levels were back to normal so she is hoping to get released tomorrow....all the tests were inconclusive as to why her blood thickened up...but hopefully she is on the mend!!

Thanks for all the prayers!!!

Birthday Wishes

Today is my niece Lauren's birthday (the big seven!) and also my brother-in-law Chris. Happy birthday to both of you and hope you had a wonderful day!!! We love and miss you.