Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Girl

Toddler Talk

Some very funny things Angel has said lately:
1) After I made a tube cake for a party...she looked at it and told Aunt Caitlin, "Wow...that is a really big donut!"
2) We have been working on the difference between girls and boys and the words man and woman. So at the post office today, she looked at the worker and said "You are a man!" At least he had a good sense of humor!
3) We have been so busy celebrating these past couple of weeks and each day explaining what we are celebrating for the special days. So today, Angel asked me "Mama, what day are we?" I said, "Today is Thursday." To which she replied, "No mama, what is special today?" I think I will definitely have to start celebrating a Saint a Day or something!!
4) When we had all the snow and we got stuck in the car....Jason was out shoveling a path for the car....and I must have heaved a big which Angel said, "Don't worry mama, papa will save us and fix it!" So sweet to have total trust in your superhero Papa!!

Thanks Joanie

...for my adorable outfit!

Baseball Fan in Training

A Reminder... as I was reading and watching the news of the House and Senate officially declaring Barack Obama our next President...all those post-election feelings starting resurfacing. And then I remembered this wonderful homily that our friend, Father Cihak, gave his congregation after the Election. Please pray for him as you can see by this article, the truth of his words were not well received by they say, "the truth hurts!" I continue to pray for our priests to lead the Church in the right direction, for Catholics to live their faith, and for our next President and the important decisions he must make ahead.