Sunday, August 24, 2008

Young Love

Today Jason and I celebrate our 11 year anniversary of our first date. This is a picture taken during our first month dating...aahh...young love. Amazing in 11 years what we have come to learn, love, appreciate and still be surprised about with each other. We first met in 1995 at a youth conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Little did I know that he told his youth minister he met the girl he was going to marry (me) and proceeded to go home and break up with his girlfriend. He lived in Richmond and I in Virginia Beach so it wasn't until two years later that we met again. We ended up being on the same missions team to Mexico in August of 1997, and well a few weeks later had our first date (really exciting...we went to a park, although I did make cookies which have become his "favorite") and from then it was Erin & Jason...together forever, well 11 years and counting!!

Julie Hamlin

My dear friend, Julie, got married yesterday. We have known each other since I was three and it was a pleasure to be at her wedding. It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful ceremony. We enjoyed seeing some old friends and celebrating together. Congrats girl and have a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii!!