Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Name that Tune, Song #2

Name that Tune, Song #1

(hint...she recently watched part of Sound of Music)

Cookin Sisters

They have been spending a lot of time cooking and playing in this kitchen together...so cute!!

Get Out and Vote

This powerful video which has been appearing a lot lately reminds us that there are some REAL important life-changing issues that trump others in this election. Watch and I think the choice is clear....

Girls with Curls

Saturday night I decided to try curls in Angel's hair. First, I didn't' know if she would let me put them in....SHE LOVED IT...kept handing them to me to put more in. Second, I didn't think she would keep them in...she did and wanted to put them in my hair and in Emma's too! Third, I was sure she wouldn't sleep with them....but she did and while some got loose and one fell out....she managed to have some beautiful curls for church Sunday morning.


"Marmee's Blanket"

My mom, Marmee as the grandkids call her, made Angel a new blanket/quilt for her bed. Angel LOVES it especially since it has butterflies on it that match her room (a friend just told me I never posted pics of the girls rooms so I will have to do that). It has been warm here this past week and Angel still INSISTS on covering up with "Marmee's blanket" as it has been named. Last night Jason ended up sleeping on the pull out with her becuase the poor baby was having trouble sleeping and breathing (see update below)....and Jason said she woke up at one point and said "I need Marmee's blanket!" Too cute...so thanks Marmee!!


Poor guy spent two days like this fixing seals on both ends of the transmission shafts (I know this technically is probably wrong....but I try)....they both were leaking fluid and needed to be replaced. So for about $60 he fixed what would have cost us $1000+ to get done. We were really hoping that was it, but there is still a leak from somewhere else...waiting for a shop to tell us what it is and hopefully we can get it fixed soon.

I Love Pigtails!

Double Trouble

Still on Strike

Update on us is that the Union is still on strike, thus Jason still is not able to work. I check HERE daily for any good news, but nothing so far. Jason has to go once a week to picket to get the $150 Union weekly strike pay!! We are only hoping that this can end sooner rather than later, although the last one took 24 days!! It is a weird reality to have a job but not be allowed to go in to work. Thanks to all for your prayers and support....thank you to the Gray family for the use of your car while our van has decided to was also a good time to go on strike! I keep trying to count my many blessings during this tough time for us, especially when I see how many people in this country are suffering with the devastation of Hurricane Ike. Sometimes it is hard to keep it all in perspective though. Luckily Jason has been able to do some work for my dad by accomplishing his outside "to do list". Jason spent two days fixing the car to still have a leak from somewhere...hoping the shop can diagnose the problem and possibly a friend can help us fix...we shall see.
I hope we didn't start a sister tradition....because when I was pregnant with my first child...Jason ended up getting laid off his job. And well....for those that haven't heard....Lehman Brothers filed bankruptcy and my sister's husband Chris works there. You can go to their SITE to read the details....but being in your third trimester and having your hubby lose a job is never fun...I know!! But, Chris is working through this week and already getting some offers and possible offers on the table....so hopefully something will come through fast for him...maybe even better it sounds like!! So we will keep that in prayer too!
But, I better run because both the girls decided to get a "lovely" cold with horrible runny noses and coughs...so I have spent the days suctioning noses out and dealing with babies that can't sleep!! Angel has been walking around with her mouth wide open and drooling since she can't breathe through her nose and last night started a fever...still 101. Poor babes. So I am off to suction some more!