Monday, December 15, 2008

Advent Fun

We have been having fun playing with our different Advent activities....I will have to get some more pics of the others we have been enjoying. We try to "teach" the Christmas story and birth of Jesus while we play. This was handed down to the girls from Marmee and I think my Mamasan might have gotten it for us at one point. Anyways...technically you are supposed to put one new figure on each day...but after explaining that about 5 times to a two and one year old, they just look at me, shake their heads and continue to put all the figures on. Oh well...makes a nice play activity...that is if we can work on our SHARING skills....hehe....Angel would like to really play and arrange the figures while Emma would like to grab them and RUN. Maybe I should not have hung it within their reach!! I do think it is weird that they made Mary in pink since she is almost always in blue....and I wish the wise men would come AFTER his birth...makes it hard to explain the Epiphany when they are already there!! Technicalities...technicalities...

Welcome Home

Yesterday my plan to welcome Caitlin home from school and her AMAZING soccer national games...well....the weather didn't help!! But, I managed to get a yard sign (didn't take pic) and balloons posted at the turn off for home, and then I had gotten pom poms in all her soccer teams she had played on throughout the years (minus pink and black which Party City didn't have) and we headed over to my parents house. Luckily her friend Pam and soon to be mother-in-law Audrey were able to make it so it wasn't just us...We lined the long driveway and with pom poms and posters...cheered her home. She has a lot to be happy about and proud of....she has had an amazing soccer "career" and ended with a big bang!! We are very proud of her and Angel is very glad she is home for a bit. The last pic is one I LOVE of her when she scored the second goal during nationals!!

First Snow

...this is what we woke up to Sunday started falling Saturday night. We probably only got about two inches...but it isn't supposed to get above freezing all maybe we will get more...need to get to the grocery store and post office first please!! Emma loved "dat" (that) pointing to snow and reminded me of last year when Angel would see snow and called it "ho-ho"...I guess she associated it with sweet. Stay warm!