Saturday, March 14, 2009

Angel's Announcement

Waiting for Papa

This past week we had several sunny (although cold) days and me and the girls enjoyed waiting outside for Papa to come home from work. He rides his bike to the ferry and then to work in Seattle and then back home. Last summer we made up a "Papa coming home" song to the tune of "She'll be coming 'round the mountain" we enjoyed singing and waiting to hear his bike bell ringing...and Angelica enjoyed picking up leaves and sticks in her one year Halloween costume she found...however, she was only able to get the top part of the Elephant costume to fit....from behind she looked like a little mouse!!! Looking forward to spring and lots of fresh air!!

One of Angel's Goodnight Prayers

A busy week

This past week was very busy....we didn't really do anything exciting but the girls are definitely at an age where the hours in the day seem to fly by and I wonder what I got "accomplished"!! They are also at the age where I think I will be experiencing more boo-boos and accidents...especially with my little Monkey girl Emma who likes to climb EVERYTHING!! We started the week with Angel falling during our "dance session" and getting a nice bruise mark on her forehead. Then Emma fell down half the stairs (she has never done this before and is very good about going down on her belly or bum...but this time she was trying to carry several items with her)...this fall scared us but she was fine in a matter of minutes and had a nice big bump on her head to show for it. Then Angel took a big tumble running down the hill when we mailed our red envelope and got a nice scrape on her knee. She does not like anything that sticks to her skin so trying to get the band aid on her was an ordeal...but nothing that a Capri-Sun and watching Holy Baby couldn't fix!! Then Wednesday as I was frantically trying to get the girls loaded in the car for mass and Soup Supper at church...Angel took a tumble of her slide toy and bit a nice whole in the side of her cheek. The blood made it look scarier than it was. So ice chips in hand we were able to get to church in time to meet Papa who met us there on his bike. I had to try and keep telling Angelica not to play with her boo-boo with her tongue....easier said than done!! far I am counting my blessings and my nerves are rejoicing that we have not had any need to rush to Urgent Care and so far no broken bones!! Not sure if I will ever be "ready" for this stage of motherhood.

Angelica has also definitely entered the 200 question a minute stage. Instead of asking "why", her favorite question is "what kind?" So for example:
Angelica: "What are you eating mama?"
Me: "Carrots."
Angel: "What kind of carrots?"
Me: "Baby carrots"
Angel: "What kind of baby carrots?"
Me: "Orange Baby carrots"
Angel: "Orange baby carrots?"
Me: "Yes" (thinking it was over)
Angelica: "What kind of orange baby carrots?"
.....this continued and usually does until I have run out of adjectives to further describe something or until she decides she is satisfied and usually responds with "Oh, cool."

So between boo-boos and 200 questions, I am exhausted!!!

Great Advice

We have been VERY fortunate and not been really sick at all since we have had kids, but I know one day it will happen. An amazing friend of ours from our VA Beach days, and mother of 10, posted some GREAT advice and tips for handling the flu and sickness at home....I am definitely going to get some extra plastic shower liners and I loved the idea of the buckets with trash bag liners!!!