Saturday, March 3, 2007

A good long line...

My husband, Angelica and I went to a local church for confession this evening. We walk in and as we turned the corner to where the confessional is, I saw a long line of people...and noticed myself getting discouraged and thinking maybe we should go. But then I thought to myself...isn't this a great place to have a long line? So many people wanting to purify themselves and receive graces from our Lord. So we joined the line and waited...(and Angelica was a perfect little Angel...although she did wonder where mommy went as I entered the confessional...) How fortunate we are that we are able to receive this sacrament so frequently!!

Saint of the Day


Powerful rap for the unborn...

Angie, thanks for sending this video. What a powerful message for those hurting from the pains of abortion. Please pray for all the aborted babies and the ones who struggle with the pain from their actions.