Friday, August 29, 2008

Exciting Times

Today, I think I was shocked and then excited and very impressed with McCain's VP candidate.....Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. You can watch his announcement and her acceptance speech, HERE. I was impressed with her a few months ago, when I read this account and story of her decision regarding her last pregnancy and the courage it took to remain pro-life and stand up for the a beautiful little boy. She seems like a very grounded, solid, strong, determined and courageous woman...and I look forward to learning more about her and her politics during the next 67 days before the election. McCain-Palin '08 unexpected ticket...but a good my opinion.

Cutest Elephant Ever

Emma's Stats

Yesterday, Emma had her nine month check up. She weighed in at 20 pounds (75%)(same as Angel was at this age) and is 28 inches long (75%). Her head is still 97% at 47.8 cm....most be all those smart brains in there!! This was her first appointment with the doctor since I switched to this pediatrician, and it was very refreshing. She took the time to discuss certain issues with me such as vaccinations and we worked out a plan together. She is very good with the kids and answered my questions, concerns and attentively listened to me. I was also very excited that the brands I wanted for vaccinations....they had! So all around it was a successful and refreshing visit. If anyone needs a good pediatrician in our area, let me far I highly recommend her. Emma got her finger pricked for a blood count (of which she later sucked off the band-aid and got blood remember to request the heel prick over the finger!)...and one shot....which she didn't even fuss about yesterday at all....such a HUGE difference from the last time! And the other big news.....her first tooth has broken through the gums!!! (that explains the biting while nursing lately and the fussy nights while sleeping) Where has our little baby gone?? Not sure if you can tell from the picture, but she has added yet another big bruise around her eye....her crawling and standing war wounds!


We have been harvesting LOTS of zucchini from our garden. So I spent the last couple of days making up lots of batches of Curried Zucchini Soup and Chocolate Zucchini Bread, all of which I will freeze so that we can enjoy over the next several months. I am also just going to slice and grate zucchini in the quantities I need to be able to grab from the freezer when I want to make quiche and soups etc. Nothing like enjoying the fruits of the garden throughout the winter!! (I also updated the menu from Monday to include the ravioli recipe)

New Hanna Attire

Yesterday the exciting Hanna boxes arrived. Angel loves opening her presents and trying on her new clothes. Aunty Megs spoils them and definitely keeps them in style! Here is a video just for you Megs of Angel opening the box although I missed the initial excitement and her carrying it around the house until I opened it....then she plays shy when she sees the camera on. oh well...and after I stopped she stood up and asked..."where are the hats?" Another Hanna package came with some darling dresses and hats, but will post pics of those later when we get the exchanged sizes back. Thanks so much, they are adorable!

Teaching Emma how to make soup

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Congratulations for Twenty Years

Today my in-laws, Larry and Mary Hartsell, or Grammy and Grandpa...celebrate twenty years of marriage. Congratulations you guys....hope you can celebrate in a special way! Your example of love and commitment is a blessing to be a witness of and we can only pray to reach such a milestone one day ourselves. We miss and love you lots!!

I can play too!!

Since Emma can now crawl to where the play kitchen is, she has decided she would like to play with it too...that is if her sister allows her too!

Meeting in the Middle

After writing my notes and thoughts on the research and decisions we have made in regard to vaccinations, I was happy to see the issue being addressed and discussed here as well. Defintely lots of food for thought out there....remember knowledge is power!

Speaker of the House, not the Church

I was so shocked at the words our Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, spoke to the nation the other night during her interview with Tom Brokaw. (if you play this the actual question and comments about abortion and the church begin around minute 32) Click HERE for written transcript. As an "ardent practicing Catholic who has studied this issue for a long time"....she got and continues to get it ALL WRONG. So glad the bishops are speaking up and guiding the Church to the TRUTH and correcting those that try to lead its members and teachings astray....after all in Nancy's own words, "we are trying to protect this sacred ground!"
Archbishop Chaput, Denver
Archbishop Egan, New York

Monday, August 25, 2008


I hope this is the right recipe, I have used four of them to create my own and never wrote it down until now. Every time I have made this, it is a huge winner!! Very yummy and better than any I have ever had in a restaurant. Click on picture to get recipe and give it a try....people with love it!

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Chuck Roast (sprinkle with Dry Lipton Soup Mix, cover with foil and bake at 300 for 3-4 hours), mashed potatoes, peas and applesauce
Tuesday: Soy Sauce Chicken over brown rice, Green Beans
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and Sauteed Mushrooms (yummy in a little olive oil, garlic and lemon pepper)
Friday: Ravioli with Sauteed Zucchini (yummy), Carrots
Saturday: Mom made pork chops and Kabuk Mucveri
Sunday: Dinner with Family TBD

Mom's Birthday

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. It is always a blessing and fun to live so close that we get to share these special days with family and celebrate. Angel enjoyed helping Marmee open presents and blow out the candles. Mom requested my Tiramisu for dessert and my hubby wrote down the recipe this time as I made it because I always forget what I do as I have combined four different recipes to create my own...very yummy..will have to post soon!! Happy Birthday Mom!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Young Love

Today Jason and I celebrate our 11 year anniversary of our first date. This is a picture taken during our first month dating...aahh...young love. Amazing in 11 years what we have come to learn, love, appreciate and still be surprised about with each other. We first met in 1995 at a youth conference at Franciscan University of Steubenville. Little did I know that he told his youth minister he met the girl he was going to marry (me) and proceeded to go home and break up with his girlfriend. He lived in Richmond and I in Virginia Beach so it wasn't until two years later that we met again. We ended up being on the same missions team to Mexico in August of 1997, and well a few weeks later had our first date (really exciting...we went to a park, although I did make cookies which have become his "favorite") and from then it was Erin & Jason...together forever, well 11 years and counting!!

Julie Hamlin

My dear friend, Julie, got married yesterday. We have known each other since I was three and it was a pleasure to be at her wedding. It was a gorgeous day and a beautiful ceremony. We enjoyed seeing some old friends and celebrating together. Congrats girl and have a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Feast Day Angelica Rose!

Today is the feast day of Saint Rose of Lima. I love Maria's idea of celebrating the children's feast days. Since we are already trying to celebrate the Baptism Day this sounds like a wonderful tradition to add and could make a really beautiful way of learning and contemplating on the saint's life every year. I love this quote:
“Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” ~ St. Rose of Lima

Friday, August 22, 2008

Piece of Cake

What used to take a long time to accomplish, is now so easy!!


Emma pics, couldn't resist

Notice the two bruises on her head....she has NO FEAR!! Angel was never like this, so she is keeping me on my toes and makes my heart jump!

Waiting for Papa

Ever since Jason has been riding his bike to work, the girls enjoy waiting for him to come cruising home on the front porch...and Jason likes the warm welcome home. We have had very interseting conversations on the porch about airplanes, clouds, spiders and of course lots of practice singing her new and favorite songs!

New Mode of Transportation

Sisterly Love (I think)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 Months

Amazing how much Emma has changed in 9 months, which she turned yesterday. We have her actual check up next week so will have to give you the stats then, but she has definitely gone from our little a beautiful big baby!! The baby stage sure doesn't last long at all, so I am holding onto those snuggles and baby cuddle moments as long as I can!


Not sure why my menu didn't post on Monday, but it appeared there today!! I went shopping today and saved 24% of my bill in coupons!! YEA!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Today is Dad Hartsell's Birthday, wish we could be there to help you celebrate (and sorry your card is late!). Hope you have a great day and another year ahead. We miss and love you lots!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Costco Dinner (sad but true, Angel loves the hot dogs and we get our shopping done)
Tuesday: Steak Stroganoff (very yummy, has a little bite to it!), carrots
Wednesday: Leftovers and Tacquitos
Thursday: Chicken Packets (awesome recipe, could freeze half for later!), Green Beans and Carrots
Friday: Stuffed Mushrooms, Homemade White Pizza (our favorite!)
Saturday: probably leftovers since going to a wedding that afternoon
Sunday: Dinner with Family - Mom's choice for her birthday, TBD

Silly Mama

Fun in the Sun with Aunt Alli


Hello again!! I know some of you have been wondering where I went....well...first our camera DIED on us and then our computer started going CRAZY!!! We thought it was dying too, but so far we think we got some kind of virus or something, still trying to figure it out but at least I can get on the Internet again.

First, my mother-in-law had her surgery last week and all the lymph nodes they tested were BREAST CANCER FREE!!! That means no chemo....yea!!! She is recovering well, although very tired with the medication for pain. She will start radiation in a few weeks but we are so thankful for the good news and all the prayers. Will keep you posted. Mom, we love you!!!

Jason has been LOVING his new job. He actually comes home and says the day goes by sooooo fast, which is great to hear. Boeing has a lot of perks that come with the job and it has been nice to be a part of such a good company so far. He just found out that this biking program he entered got him a FREE $650 value road bike....once he goes to the safety class for it next week he will receive it. He is very excited as his bike has been having some mechanical issues, one of which sent him crashing to the ground and getting banged up! He is handling the commute so far. He bikes to the bus in the mornings and then catches the ferry. Once he gets the new bike, he might just bike to the ferry. Then he bikes from the ferry to work. He enjoys the exercise and the time on the ferry to catch up on reading. So we shall see how it goes....I will have to capture a pic of his mode of transportation. Angelica likes telling people that Papa takes a "boat, a bike and a bus" to work and that he "fixes airplanes". Jason still isn't sure what classes he will be taking, but he is wanting to finish his degree in the next couple of with the Boeing education perks, we feel like we cannot pass it up, especially with the GI bill. So we will keep you posted....

Angelica has been SINGING a lot lately...all day long. She loves her favorite "Jesus Loves Me" also, "Moon Moon Moon", "Goodnight Sweetheart" and now loves to sing her "ABCs"...will have to get that on video.

Emma is EVERYWHERE. Took her less than a week to pick up speed and to figure out steps. She is now pulling herself up on everything and so very active and determined and has no fear!! I feel like I need to put her in a helmet. I think she will be an early walker. She is talking a lot now and saying "mama" and loves her yo-yo baby yogurt.

I am trying to get more "organized" and excited about getting a "new" to us camera...Jason's sister Michelle who is a photographer is sending us her old Canon Digital hopefully I can figure out how to work it. We just need to get a lens (if anyone can tell me a good kind....Michelle??) and we should be good to go!! Thanks Michelle....that is such a huge gift and couldn't have happened at a more perfect time!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Come join us!

All you Bremerton locals, come join us tonight at the last Evergreen Park Tuesday Night Summer Concert, it is the Navy Band NW Dixieland Jazz Band...should be good!!


Ever since Day ONE when Emma started crawling, she has spent forever trying to get up the little step from the family room to the kitchen. No matter how many times she slipped off or fell down, she would get up and try again. The other day (when my camera was still working...can't you tell I am a little bitter about the situation) I captured the first time she got up on the step and then slid off and then the next day got a picture (those things I used to take everyday to fulfill my passion and dream of being a photographer) of her accomplishment!
**First day she actually made it up even for a brief moment.**

**I was in the kitchen and when I turned around this is what I saw!**
**Very proud of her success at making it all the way up the step, now she is everywhere and loves to eat the magnets off the fridge!** (I would video, but again don't have a camera...ok, enough complaining...for today!)