Sunday, October 18, 2009


While I haven't even learned how to use this yet, Angelica is enjoying the stretching exercises!

Another first (hopefully last!)

So Friday I just wasn't convinced Emma's "Nursemaid's Elbow" was the only cause behind her pain from her fall the other night. She would still not use her hand in certain ways and would grab her wrist area saying "ouch, mama, ouch!" quite often. So to Urgent Care we went that night. They did x-rays and sure enough.....Emma has a fractured wrist and a bulge in the ulna. Luckily no huge breaks, but close! So the doctor wanted to hard splint her so that everything can heal with no further injury. All the doctors have been amazed at how she reacts to the pain and them poking her....she has a very high pain tolerance and just gives them dirty looks when it starts to hurt. She was such a trooper through the exam and x-rays and then getting the splint on. Of course after they put on the hard cast part and wrapped in in the ace bandage I told them I was concerned she would undo the pins and unravel the they put some great pink bandage wrap over it and so far so good. Poor baby though....having a bit of a hard time figuring out how to eat, grab toys, use her fingers etc. Although, it doesn't slow her down!! We can't take it off or get it wet, which makes her fun bath times very interesting. So far she is sleeping OK with it and Angelica loves to give it kisses. The clothes situation is becoming interesting as nothing fits over the huge arm now! Amazing how things as "easy" as clothes, eating, bathing etc can become such a challenge. I have to call the pediatrician tomorrow to see what she wants to do, but the doctor said most likely do another x-ray sometime to check progress, possibly hard cast (although this is pretty much the same thing) and could possibly on for 3-4 weeks! So maybe her big TWO birthday present will be getting her arm back! I guess God just figured we could use or need a little more excitement to add to the arrival of a newborn any day! I really was hoping I wouldn't have to experience this phase of motherhood yet...but at the same time not surprised that Emma is the first!! Hopefully our little monkey girl will slow down a bit! (Ya right as this morning my mom was rescuing her from climbing the stage steps at church!)

Here is Emma sporting and modeling her new fashion accessory:

Showing it off to Big Sister (who by the way, cried for Emma when she got the cast on!):

Enjoying the tons of stickers the nurses gave her:

And everything is better with a strawberry smoothie, right?!

Sunflowers, anyone??

Hubby harvested (with Angelica's "help") last week all his sunflowers from the garden that had bloomed. As you can see, we obviously have more than we know what to do with, so anyone that has stopped by in the last week has left with some!! SO...if you are in need or want of some beautiful sunflowers, PLEASE stop by...he has even more to go pick! And to think he started these massive flowers all from seed!

Bear Bed Buddy

Thanks Aunty Megs for this big bear....I sleep with it every nap and night time. (seriously, this bear has not left her bed since she got it!!!)