Friday, September 26, 2008

Power of Prayers

Last night we had a long talk with my mother-in-law, Mary Hartsell. Many of you have been praying for her through her battle and surgery, test, etc with breast cancer. We were really hoping the good news would continue....she was told they got all of the tumor and her lymph nodes were clear!! So the plan was to start radiation and be done with it! Well, unfortunately while the cancer is estrogen positive, she is also HER2/neu positive (an oncogene overexpression that could cause more severe breast cancer in other area of the body later if not treated for now. For a better description of HER2 status, click HERE and for a brief explanation on it and the medicine treatment Herceptin, click HERE.) So, to make this short and is the plan that we are looking at. She will have a port put in under the skin by her collar bone probably the first week of October. Then on October 13th, start looks like they will do the two most powerful chemo drugs first. Two rounds in October and two in November. Then in December the plan is to do the less intense chemo and start the Herceptin treatment every week for 12 weeks. So by the end of February she hopes to be done with the chemo. March she will continue the Herceptin and most likely have to continue until December of next year. Then in April she will start radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks. WHEW. So.....we will keep you posted on how she does, but I really hope everyone can add her and the family to your prayer list. She is a very strong lady and I know she can get through this. I hope that all of our prayers will help her get through each day, one at a time knowing that she is loved and prayed for. It is so hard for Jason and I to be so far away, especially in times like these. Mom, we wish we could come over and have the girls make you laugh.....I wish I could make you a cup of tea and play some cards to get your mind clear, I wish I could come over and make you some meals and clean the house.....but we hope you know that we love you so much and we will help you get through this any way we can!! Saint Peregrine and Saint Agatha, pray for her.

So Silly

Angel was cracking us up the other night just running around in circles in the house and being just plain silly!!

Sweet Girl

Do Your Part

Today is Day 3 of the 40 Days for Life. Check out the site and see how you can help and stay up to date on the latest news. There is no greater power than the power of please join this powerful event and change some hearts, lives and protect the gift and miracle of life.

Easy and Delicious

Both of these recipes were super easy and SO DELICIOUS!!

Cheesy Bean Enchiladas (I also used some shredded mexican cheese and added rice)

Grandma Gert's Chocolate Cake