Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

It is always so amusing to me how many people celebrate this day, but truly have no idea of the history and story of Saint Valentine himself. There are a couple versions of it, but the one I read and find most often is this in summary:
He was a Christian priest and physician who lived in Rome 200 years after the death of Christ. He treated the ill of the city's slums -- accepting whatever payment they could offer - whether it be a loaf of bread or a new pair of sandals. Valentine had to pray for his patients only in the darkness of night due to the ongoing Roman persecution of the Christians.One day a Roman jailer brought his blind daughter to Valentine for treatment. Saint Valentine treated the young girl's eyes faithfully with salve for months and months, to no avail. Nonetheless, the girl and Valentine became friends. She would accompany Saint Valentine into the fields around Rome; while he gathered his curative herbs she would pick boquets of crocus flowers for her father. Tragically, Saint Valentine was rounded up in a Roman purge of the Christians and thrown in jail. The jailer whom he had befriended rushed to his cell, but explained that the emperor had ordered the roundup and that there was nothing he could do. However, he did provide Valentine a piece of papyrus and pen - with which the priest was able to write "from your Valentine". The jailer took the letter home to his daughter. When he opened it to read her the note, a yellow crocus flower fell to the ground and as the father read his daughter the message contained therein she was able to see the yellow hue of the flower for the first time in her life. Valentine was executed for his faith shortly thereafter.
We enjoyed a relaxing day at home (although poor hubby is under the weather)...we made some yummy dipped in chocolate treats (last year I did banana pieces, strawberries and marshmallows...this year I did pretzels, marshmallows and oreos with dark and white chocolate). The girls got some goodies and treats and special cards from loved ones. Emma loves her new little toy phone and Angel loves her new art supplies. Hope your day was filled with as much love as ours was!! I always remember my Irish cousin on this day as well, becasue his name is Valentine and he is also a priest!! So Father Val - a special Happy Valentines Day to you!!

Aunt Caitlin would approve...

...and she should because she bought the shirt (for Angel but gotta love hand-me-downs!)

...and Angel well, she just wanted to take a picture too!