Monday, November 10, 2008

Homeschool 101

Today my sister...the girls Aunt Alli...was with us most the day and she had some school work to do before playing with her Angel decided she needed to do some school too!! And she was quite proud of herself!!

Popsicle Faces

Angel and Emma love popsicles....Emma was making such funny faces the other night when she was eating it, I tried to catch it on video. She was totally focused on the popsicles and wouldn't let them out of her sight!!


Jason grew potatoes this year....first try...and last night we dumped the trash can out and while it wasn't nearly as many as he was hoping....we managed to get about a dozen good size potatoes...and he is determined to get more next year!! (the video is dark it was outside)

Dancing with Daddy

Hanna's Little Stars